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Forums :: Blog World :: Zach Jarom: Game Day: Hawks vs Preds
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Zach Jarom
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.01.2019

Nov 18 @ 12:28 PM ET
Zach Jarom: Game Day: Hawks vs Preds
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Nov 18 @ 12:45 PM ET
I'm looking at CapFriendly and there are some teams in really questionable shape. NYR with a 20 man roster, TOR has $60K in cap space with a 22 man roster, VGK in a similar situation, VAN is tight to the cap as well. I wonder if some of these teams will try to make an earlier move to alleviate some of the cap pressure and possibly gain some roster balance?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Nov 18 @ 1:17 PM ET
I'm looking at CapFriendly and there are some teams in really questionable shape. NYR with a 20 man roster, TOR has $60K in cap space with a 22 man roster, VGK in a similar situation, VAN is tight to the cap as well. I wonder if some of these teams will try to make an earlier move to alleviate some of the cap pressure and possibly gain some roster balance?
- Chunk

And where is Kane going to sign? Will he sign for close to the minimum or try to get a multi-million contract? Rangers have 10M in cap space but they came out and said they don't want him. Other rumored suspects DAL, TOR, FLA and TB don't have the cap space ... yet. DET and BUF have the space, but are not really contenders.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Nov 18 @ 1:41 PM ET
Zack, Soderblom is 23rd in the league (Mrazek iis12th) out of 74 goalies in saves above expected goals. Outside of the 8-1 drubbing, which games did he have rough outings?

I guess you just go by GAA and save percentage. Nothing about the quality of shots against?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Nov 18 @ 2:32 PM ET
Stupid icing by Perry, lost face-off and a goal against.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Nov 18 @ 2:38 PM ET
Stupid icing by Perry, lost face-off and a goal against.
- LAHawk

Why is the 4th line pretty much the only one that can win a board battle and forecheck? Aside from Raddysh on that slight breakaway, all the lines get smoked in those areas.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Nov 18 @ 2:49 PM ET
Stupid icing by Perry, lost face-off and a goal against.
- LAHawk

poop penalty too.
Location: highland, IN
Joined: 04.21.2015

Nov 18 @ 2:49 PM ET
Zach Jarom: Game Day: Hawks vs Preds
- Zach Jarom

Once we trade Mrazek if he stays healthy having Soderblom in the net 80 percent of the time, it will give us a guaranteed lock of another top 3 pick.

Chris Vosters needs to go— “Cole Smith wins the sword fight” my god…
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Nov 18 @ 2:50 PM ET
Opposition just send 3 guys to swarm Bedard, could care less if Foligno or Kurashev get the puck.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Nov 18 @ 3:08 PM ET
Opposition just send 3 guys to swarm Bedard, could care less if Foligno or Kurashev get the puck.
- LAHawk

If you’re the coach of the opposing team do you do it differently? Until other players show they can score, Bedard is going to see little space and time.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Nov 18 @ 3:09 PM ET
I was flipping between the Erie and Brantford games last night to watch Misiak and Lardis. Misiak looks really good, great balance, strong skating, finishes his checks and a real heads up player. Lardis wasn’t noticeable. But the guy who really stood out was Canadien draft pick and Arber Xhekaj’s brother Brantford’s Florian Xhekaj. Big, strong, smart, a good not great skater who reminds me an awful lot of Tom Wilson. I’d love to see KFC try to make a pitch for him but I’m sure being Arber’s brother and being the unique type of player he is, it will cost Chicago a premium.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Nov 18 @ 3:11 PM ET
If you’re the coach of the opposing team do you do it differently? Until other players show they can score, Bedard is going to see little space and time.
- paulr

That is what you get when you have bottom 6 players playing on your top line.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Nov 18 @ 3:14 PM ET
That is what you get when you have bottom 6 players playing on your top line.
- LAHawk

They pretty much only have one top six forward.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Nov 18 @ 3:19 PM ET
They pretty much only have one top six forward.
- paulr

Yup, nice roster construction
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

Nov 18 @ 3:26 PM ET
This team can’t even complete a d zone exit pass. 50/50 it leads to an icing and/or possession to the other team. The rookies on the back end have their excuse but what is it for the veterans?

There are a LOT of passengers on this team. Press put bodies in front of the net and every hawk refuses to get dirty. Stands to the side and almost every nhl goalie is going save what he can see above the dots for shots.

This isn’t a good preds team. Hawks look like have zero desire to get to work.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

Nov 18 @ 3:28 PM ET
If you’re the coach of the opposing team do you do it differently? Until other players show they can score, Bedard is going to see little space and time.
- paulr

Really time to put him back with hall and maybe Kurashev. Reichel is too much in his own head and/or still doesn’t have the acumen to make top level plays. Foligno looks lost and unless bedard is coming off the rush he’s neutralized.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Nov 18 @ 3:28 PM ET
Yup, nice roster construction
- LAHawk

I think what KD is trying to do is ‘tank’ again this season. What I’d be concerned about is instilling a culture where trying to get good draft picks supersedes winning. This happened to the Oilers a few years back when they were more concerned about Draft picks then they were about winning.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Nov 18 @ 3:30 PM ET
Look at Kurashev becoming effective.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Nov 18 @ 3:30 PM ET
Really time to put him back with hall and maybe Kurashev. Reichel is too much in his own head and/or still doesn’t have the acumen to make top level plays. Foligno looks lost and unless bedard is coming off the rush he’s neutralized.
- SteveRain

I’m not sure? If I were a betting man I’d lay odds Hall will be injured before this game is over.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

Nov 18 @ 3:32 PM ET
I think what KD is trying to do is ‘tank’ again this season. What I’d be concerned about is instilling a culture where trying to get good draft picks supersedes winning. This happened to the Oilers a few years back when they were more concerned about Draft picks then they were about winning.
- paulr

Good point. Just gets exhausting watching this crap and same guys make the same idiotic plays game after game and I’m not talking about the rookies.

Really time for LR to start cutting ice time. Regardless of years or contract worth.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

Nov 18 @ 3:33 PM ET
Look at Kurashev becoming effective.
- Chunk

Reichel should pay attention….
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Nov 18 @ 3:36 PM ET
Reichel should pay attention….
- SteveRain

Aside from scoring, his line has been one of the most dangerous tonight. He’s taking shots and generating. I don’t have much of a problem with his game right now.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

Nov 18 @ 3:40 PM ET
Aside from scoring, his line has been one of the most dangerous tonight. He’s taking shots and generating. I don’t have much of a problem with his game right now.
- Chunk

Taylor hall is carrying that line.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Nov 18 @ 3:40 PM ET
Perry showing his age this game. Behind a lot of plays.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

Nov 18 @ 3:42 PM ET
Zack, Soderblom is 23rd in the league (Mrazek iis12th) out of 74 goalies in saves above expected goals. Outside of the 8-1 drubbing, which games did he have rough outings?

I guess you just go by GAA and save percentage. Nothing about the quality of shots against?

- LAHawk

Soderbloom has given up 2 he shouldn’t have today. Not his best. Can’t give up rebounds with guys right there. Preds got 2 today cleaning up garbage and beating him and d men To 50/50 rebounds.
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