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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Flyers Gameday: 11/18/23 vs. VGK; Phantoms Update
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Nov 19 @ 8:47 AM ET
I rechecked Panarin. I made a mistake above, that 95pt season was with the Ranger


youre such a gutless schmuck

Instantly to the name calling as usual. You're such a child. Adults are talking on here. Goober!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.29.2017

Nov 19 @ 8:52 AM ET
It’s nice to see Laczynski staying healthy and producing. I still wonder if there’s still a chance for him back up on an NHL roster if not in Philly then somewhere else….there were nights where I thought he played some really solid games but he never seemed to be able to stay healthy enough to sustain it and grow. It’s also nice to see Tuomaala and Lycksell producing, hopefully that keeps up.
- landros 2

Unfortunately, Laczynski is now a tweener. He is just beyond the youth phase, but not old enough (and too skilled) for a Flyers 4th line player.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.29.2017

Nov 19 @ 8:53 AM ET
Tortorella led Columbus to one playoff series win in 5 years as the coach there. Not a few. Again, Tortorella had equal talent there then he has here. You anointed moves made by Fletcher as putting the team on the definition of the path to the Cup. As I told you the moves were more likely to hurt the teams future than to help it. We know who was right and who was wrong. Yes you did love him. You gave Fletcher the same misguided praise as you now give Tortorella.

This site does not have a LIKE button so here....LIKE
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Nov 19 @ 8:57 AM ET
Gonna be funny as hell when the Flyers make the playoffs and Torts wins the Jack Adams. I can just imagine the meltdowns! Only here can the Flyers defeat the defending champs and there be lots of complaining. Didn't see the game, so no comment, but it sounds like they played well. Phantoms on a roll and Cutter tearing things up at BC, but let's keep on complaining about Torts! Eh what?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:01 AM ET
So why bring this data into the discussion? Farabee had a nice start to the season but he is settling down now. Against Vegas he looked incredibly slow to me and behind the play. I think he is a good player, and on the Flyers right now he is a good top 9 forward, but on a real contending team, I don't see him being top 6. He's close, I'll give you that.
- jd250

To show how uninformed you are. You reinforce that by again, inventing fantasy in an attempt to support your unfounded rhetoric.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 9:03 AM ET
To show how uninformed you are. You reinforce that by again, inventing fantasy in an attempt to support your unfounded rhetoric.

I don't see any hockey content in your post here. Stop trolling.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 9:05 AM ET
To show how uninformed you are. You reinforce that by again, inventing fantasy in an attempt to support your unfounded rhetoric.

If you were the GM what do you do with TK?
Peter Richards
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.24.2019

Nov 19 @ 9:08 AM ET
The Blue Jackets under Jorts had some decent teams. They were carried in the regular season by Sergi Bobrovski an subsequently sunk by PLAYOFF BOB. Every single offensive star Jorts coached had better offensive production before and after he left, their production dropped under his coaching tenure.....take it on face value, im not getting into systems or going back to his Tampa Days.

Jorts has his style and his style blows


i'm not saying torts is the best coach. but he had the blue jackets in the playoffs the majority of the time he was there. before he got there, the majority of the time they missed the playoffs. he was hired in 2015, gone in 21. As a coach he has the win record for Columbus.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:18 AM ET
With my statement that Hextall started the culture of accepting losing on the Flyers, it's not about the drafting. Hextall did draft TK, and whether you like him or not, Provorov is a decent defenseman. He also drafted Farabee who is a good player. But what I mean is Hextall had a team with G, Voracek, Simmonds in their prime and Couts a rising star and he did NOTHING to support them, absolutely NOTHING! Instead of make shrewd moves to maximize their talent and giving them a legit shot to win, Hextall often signed bad players (e.g. Dale Weise) and didn't make moves to try to win. He rather hoard draft picks, most of them not turning into anything, and in the process wasting the prime years of these good players. He didn't give his best to the team and the players knew it, and thus the culture of accepting losing was born.
- jd250

For some reason, you want to relitigate Hextall again. Somehow you think it supports this culture nonsense you keep spewing. Not to mention the facts don't support you. The Flyers under Hextall, made the playoffs 2 out 4 seasons. The Flyers haven't made the playoffs yet under Tortorella and finished towards the bottom of the league last season. Yet Hextall bought a culture of losing and Tortorella a culture of winning. You also apparently don't realize that Hextall was not attempting to do what Fletcher attempted to do. You also have numerous facts wrong concerning Hextall but I have no wish to get into a GM who has been gone for 5 years again in your sad attempt to spin things. As usual, your post is long on rhetoric and inaccuracies and short on facts.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:20 AM ET
I rechecked Panarin. I made a mistake above, that 95pt season was with the Rangers. However I want to point out that Panarin only played 2 seasons under Torts and in both season had at the time the best seasons of his career, with 82 and 87 points respectively. Panarin wanted to play for the Rangers and since he went to NY he has been a great player. But the fact remains, Torts did nothing to stifle Panarin's offense and Pararin was an offensive star in Columbus.
- jd250

Columbus with the roster they had, underachieved under Tortorella.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.22.2008

Nov 19 @ 9:20 AM ET
i'm not saying torts is the best coach. but he had the blue jackets in the playoffs the majority of the time he was there. before he got there, the majority of the time they missed the playoffs. he was hired in 2015, gone in 21. As a coach he has the win record for Columbus.


- Peter Richards

They have not been back since. And currently back to sucking ass
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Nov 19 @ 9:23 AM ET
Columbus with the roster they had, underachieved under Tortorella.
I absolutely don't agree here. What was so special about the roster that they had? Go take a look at the roster that they had when they swept the heavily favored Bolts. You hate admitting that Torts gets the most out of his rosters more often than not.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:25 AM ET
I see nothing about how the flyers play that would stifle offensive players. I like how they play on the ice. I don’t like the unnecessary mind games
- Just5

Any idea why Wayne Gretzky, arguably the best player ever and a former NHL coach said on a recent TNT broadcast that he wouldn't want to play under Tortorella and prefers a more offensive style. Any idea what he is referring to?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:27 AM ET
I absolutely don't agree here. What was so special about the roster that they had? Go take a look at the roster that they had when they swept the heavily favored Bolts. You hate admitting that Torts gets the most out of his rosters more often than not.
- Phillywhiteout

Your post here is completely empty. Nothing to support your claims or back up your opinion. Answer me this question. How do you determine what the most is that a roster is capable of?

I have looked at the roster they had when they swept the Lightning. I bet you haven't.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 9:27 AM ET
For some reason, you want to relitigate Hextall again. Somehow you think it supports this culture nonsense you keep spewing. Not to mention the facts don't support you. The Flyers under Hextall, made the playoffs 2 out 4 seasons. The Flyers haven't made the playoffs yet under Tortorella and finished towards the bottom of the league last season. Yet Hextall bought a culture of losing and Tortorella a culture of winning. You also apparently don't realize that Hextall was not attempting to do what Fletcher attempted to do. You also have numerous facts wrong concerning Hextall but I have no wish to get into a GM who has been gone for 5 years again ns your sad attempt to spin things. As usual, your post is long on rhetoric and inaccuracies and short on facts.

facts are your dad Saint Ronnie was not a good GM. At both his last employers.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 9:28 AM ET
Columbus with the roster they had, underachieved under Tortorella.

how did they underachieve? what are you using to quantify that?

Nothing to support your claims or back up your opinion
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 9:29 AM ET

I never said stifle. I said Offensive stars had better production before playing and after playing than during playing for Jorts, nothing more nothing less


This made me laugh, I love All In The Family. I just want to point out that Panarin is one example where his offensive numbers were better in Columbus than in Chicago.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 9:29 AM ET
Columbus with the roster they had, underachieved under Tortorella.

Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:30 AM ET
Gonna be funny as hell when the Flyers make the playoffs and Torts wins the Jack Adams. I can just imagine the meltdowns! Only here can the Flyers defeat the defending champs and there be lots of complaining. Didn't see the game, so no comment, but it sounds like they played well. Phantoms on a roll and Cutter tearing things up at BC, but let's keep on complaining about Torts! Eh what?
- Phillywhiteout

What does “eh what” mean? I’ve seen you post it several times. Is it a Canadian thing?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Nov 19 @ 9:30 AM ET
Any idea why Wayne Gretzky, arguably the best player ever and a former NHL coach said on a recent TNT broadcast that he wouldn't want to play under Tortorella and prefers a more offensive style. Any idea what he is referring to?
He was referring to the fact that he wanted free reign on the ice and that could win in his era (1980's)! You can't win that way in today's game and we both know it. I really don't think Torts' structure is as neutering offensively as people say it is. For my money it certainly seems as if the defenders are getting up in the play more this season. I mean, that jackass Angelo was always up in the play last year, but he was also always leaving his partner hung out to dry.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Nov 19 @ 9:31 AM ET
Any idea why Wayne Gretzky, arguably the best player ever and a former NHL coach said on a recent TNT broadcast that he wouldn't want to play under Tortorella and prefers a more offensive style. Any idea what he is referring to?

are there also players who prefer a defensive system that would like to play under Torts?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:31 AM ET

- jd250

Best you got Bro!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Nov 19 @ 9:33 AM ET
What does “eh what” mean? I’ve seen you post it several times. Is it a Canadian thing?
- Dkos
You got it! Been to Oh Canada many times and enjoyed it. It's meant in a positive way of course! And no, I'm not Canadian, but they use the term frequently.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Nov 19 @ 9:34 AM ET
He was referring to the fact that he wanted free reign on the ice and that could win in his era! You can't win that way in today's game and we both know it. I really don't think Torts' structure is as neutering offensively as people say it is. For my money it certainly seems as if the defenders are getting up in the play more this season. I mean, that jackass Angelo was always up in the play last year, but he was also always leaving his partner hung out to dry.
- Phillywhiteout

First of all, it's anecdotal by admission. He was not referring to free reign or the style of his era. He was referring to the way that the best teams today play. Which is not the way the Flyers play under Tortorella. The Flyers as a whole are more aggressive this season then they were last season.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Nov 19 @ 9:34 AM ET
For some reason, you want to relitigate Hextall again. Somehow you think it supports this culture nonsense you keep spewing. Not to mention the facts don't support you. The Flyers under Hextall, made the playoffs 2 out 4 seasons. The Flyers haven't made the playoffs yet under Tortorella and finished towards the bottom of the league last season. Yet Hextall bought a culture of losing and Tortorella a culture of winning. You also apparently don't realize that Hextall was not attempting to do what Fletcher attempted to do. You also have numerous facts wrong concerning Hextall but I have no wish to get into a GM who has been gone for 5 years again in your sad attempt to spin things. As usual, your post is long on rhetoric and inaccuracies and short on facts.

With a team that has G, Vorack, Simmonds and Schenn in their primes and Couts a rising star, getting to the playoffs 2 out 4 season is an absolute disgrace! And you have the audacity to come on here this morning to call me uninformed and stating Columbus underachieved!?! Columbus made the playoffs more times that the Flyers did, and actually won a playoff series! What a series of dumb statements you have made. Quit embarrassing yourself.
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