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Forums :: Blog World :: Jan Levine: Rangers return to practice with bodies and minds hopefully ready for Game 6
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Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

May 15 @ 8:39 AM ET
Jan Levine: Rangers return to practice with bodies and minds hopefully ready for Game 6 Chance to end series in Carolina
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Nashville
Joined: 09.10.2021

May 15 @ 8:50 AM ET
I liked the article at 3-0 asking if anyone could beat NYR. I said Carolina had a better chance to make a comeback than most other teams in history that were down 3-0. I noted how close the games had been and how NYR was a bit lucky to be up 3-0. This was not a popular post at the time...
New York Rangers
Location: ON
Joined: 02.04.2016

May 15 @ 9:13 AM ET
I liked the article at 3-0 asking if anyone could beat NYR. I said Carolina had a better chance to make a comeback than most other teams in history that were down 3-0. I noted how close the games had been and how NYR was a bit lucky to be up 3-0. This was not a popular post at the time...
- HockeyBuzzed

This ain't the time, either!!
Joined: 07.09.2009

May 15 @ 9:32 AM ET
So the fox injury is bone bruise. Limiting him but not by that much where he should be playing this bad
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 15 @ 9:39 AM ET
Their fans didnt go thru a playoff collapse last year as we did.
- Brukie

There you are, always there to remind us of the bad []

TJ the Optimist

This team has the same major players from last years collapse. There is no way around it. The play is eerily the same story.

Please tell me the good??

Im not sure what Im missing here??
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 15 @ 9:40 AM ET
So the fox injury is bone bruise. Limiting him but not by that much where he should be playing this bad
- nyrangers2

Stupid turnovers doesnt account for an injury. He should still be able to play smart.
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 9:44 AM ET
Hey everyone!! Brukie is here to remind us we collapsed last year!!!
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 9:49 AM ET
Stupid turnovers doesnt account for an injury. He should still be able to play smart.
- Brukie

You guys are in all your glory the last few days. Congrats
New York Rangers
Joined: 03.09.2017

May 15 @ 9:54 AM ET
Their fans didnt go thru a playoff collapse last year as we did.
- Brukie

There you are, always there to remind us of the bad []

TJ the Optimist

This team has the same major players from last years collapse. There is no way around it. The play is eerily the same story.

Please tell me the good??

Im not sure what Im missing here??

The good is that this team started the playoffs 7-0, quite the difference from last year.

The good is that this team won the presidents trophy and has home ice advantage.

The good is that this team hasn't lost 4 games in a row all season.

I get that game 5 was a dud, but it's the first dud of the playoffs in game 5 of the 2nd round, in a series where they have already won 3 games. You'd think this team would have earned some grace from the fanbase not only over the course of the regular season, but how they started this post season.
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 10:03 AM ET
The good is that this team started the playoffs 7-0, quite the difference from last year.

The good is that this team won the presidents trophy and has home ice advantage.

The good is that this team hasn't lost 4 games in a row all season.

I get that game 5 was a dud, but it's the first dud of the playoffs in game 5 of the 2nd round, in a series where they have already won 3 games. You'd think this team would have earned some grace from the fanbase not only over the course of the regular season, but how they started this post season.

- SkjeiStadium

It’s soooooooo annoying to be reminded of bad things. Like we didn’t forget what actually happen last year lol I’d prefer to not put it out in the atmosphere wouldn’t you??

If these schmucks could think positively for two seconds maybe the bad wouldn’t happen so often (frank)in trolls
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

May 15 @ 10:12 AM ET
Yesterday I said I was happy for the extra day between games. I was wrong. Just get the misery over with. This being dragged out doesn't feel good.
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

May 15 @ 10:13 AM ET
Their fans didnt go thru a playoff collapse last year as we did.
- Brukie

There you are, always there to remind us of the bad

- Brukie[]

TJ the Optimist

This team has the same major players from last years collapse. There is no way around it. The play is eerily the same story.

Please tell me the good??

Im not sure what Im missing here??

First and foremost great blog Jan! Spot on with everything.

Brukie, I would say the good is we're still up 3-2. We still only have to win one game, they have to win back to back and four straight. Which, as SkjeiStadium just mentioned hasnt happened against us all year. We still have the (MUCH) better goaltending, and more star players. Keep the faith!!! Rangers in 6
Carolina Hurricanes
Location: I'll always remember the last words my grandfather ever told me. He said, "A Truck!", SK
Joined: 09.21.2009

May 15 @ 10:15 AM ET

Stupid turnovers doesnt account for an injury. He should still be able to play smart.

Eh, Fox has often struggled with handling pressure on him, but has typically been able to escape pressure with his feet, something that becomes a lot harder if it hurts to move.

Compounding the issue, though, is that the Rangers forwards aren't providing as much puck support. There have been very few clean outlets for him to find. Some of that is on what the Canes are doing. Tough to receive a pass when you've got somebody in your back pocket all over the ice.
Carolina Hurricanes
Location: I'll always remember the last words my grandfather ever told me. He said, "A Truck!", SK
Joined: 09.21.2009

May 15 @ 10:16 AM ET
Jan's right about pulling Trocheck higher on the powerplay too, by the way.

Canes have had a harder time, historically, dealing with north/south plays than with east/west ones and will often lose a guy if he's sitting in the high slot.
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 15 @ 10:20 AM ET
It’s soooooooo annoying to be reminded of bad things. Like we didn’t forget what actually happen last year lol I’d prefer to not put it out in the atmosphere wouldn’t you??

If these schmucks could think positively for two seconds maybe the bad wouldn’t happen so often (frank)in trolls

- Slimtj100

Your stupidity is shinning thru now, its all our fault for being pessimists that this team has PLAYED poopty the last few games.

Spot on!!!
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

May 15 @ 10:22 AM ET
First and foremost great blog Jan! Spot on with everything.

Brukie, I would say the good is we're still up 3-2. We still only have to win one game, they have to win back to back and four straight. Which, as SkjeiStadium just mentioned hasnt happened against us all year. We still have the (MUCH) better goaltending, and more star players. Keep the faith!!! Rangers in 6

- NYR11

Agreed, but this is also the same bunch that blew it last year too. Im the pessimist and I dont have faith so Im twisting here, after the loss the other night I was (frank)ing fuming, its my nature
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 10:22 AM ET
Your stupidity is shinning thru now, its all our fault for being pessimists that this team has PLAYED poopty the last few games.

Spot on!!!

- Brukie

Yep! blood is on your hands Brukie
New York Rangers
Location: Bucks County, PA
Joined: 01.18.2008

May 15 @ 10:23 AM ET
It’s soooooooo annoying to be reminded of bad things. Like we didn’t forget what actually happen last year lol I’d prefer to not put it out in the atmosphere wouldn’t you??

If these schmucks could think positively for two seconds maybe the bad wouldn’t happen so often (frank)in trolls

- Slimtj100

Tomorrow night is the first time all playoffs the rangers will be forced to play with some adversity, pressure, backs to the wall…whatever you want to call it under Lavy and this coaching staff. Actually really excited to see how they respond
Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

May 15 @ 10:25 AM ET
Jan's right about pulling Trocheck higher on the powerplay too, by the way.

Canes have had a harder time, historically, dealing with north/south plays than with east/west ones and will often lose a guy if he's sitting in the high slot.


Thanks Bingo.
New York Rangers
Location: Coach's decision, PEI
Joined: 02.21.2008

May 15 @ 10:27 AM ET
Tomorrow night is the first time all playoffs the rangers will be forced to play with some adversity, pressure, backs to the wall…whatever you want to call it under Lavy and this coaching staff. Actually really excited to see how they respond

I'm gonna get my rope ready.
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 10:30 AM ET
Tomorrow night is the first time all playoffs the rangers will be forced to play with some adversity, pressure, backs to the wall…whatever you want to call it under Lavy and this coaching staff. Actually really excited to see how they respond

They’ve really played one “bad” period all playoffs (3rd period on Monday). Game 4 I thought was their best 5 on 5 game of the series, but just never had the lead. Yet here I am fending off the misery forced into my eyeballs by others lol
New York Rangers
Location: Coach's decision, PEI
Joined: 02.21.2008

May 15 @ 10:31 AM ET
They’ve really played one “bad” period all playoffs (3rd period on Monday). Game 3 I thought was their best 5 on 5 game of the playoffs, but just never had the lead. Yet here I am fending off the misery forced into my eyeballs by others lol
- Slimtj100

This team better show some fight tomorrow.
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 10:34 AM ET
This team better show some fight tomorrow.
- JRR1285

They will. I think the two days should help. I mentioned last night that if I were the canes I’d have wanted to play last night, not wait a couple days.

We’ll see what Lavy is made of most of all
New York Rangers
Location: Bucks County, PA
Joined: 01.18.2008

May 15 @ 10:41 AM ET
They’ve really played one “bad” period all playoffs (3rd period on Monday). Game 4 I thought was their best 5 on 5 game of the series, but just never had the lead. Yet here I am fending off the misery forced into my eyeballs by others lol
- Slimtj100

Yea I agree. Last game the first 40 mins was even, the rangers were playing solid defensively but just weren’t generating much offense. Then I think once they killed that penalty to start the 3rd they thought the series was over and Carolina would fall off. They paid the price for it. Really the only bad period of the playoffs
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

May 15 @ 10:43 AM ET
Yea I agree. Last game the first 40 mins was even, the rangers were playing solid defensively but just weren’t generating much offense. Then I think once they killed that penalty to start the 3rd they thought the series was over and Carolina would fall off. They paid the price for it. Really the only bad period of the playoffs

Staal was a monster. Big time captain game by him. Ours made a next play that I’m sure is long forgotten about already lol
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