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Forums :: Blog World :: Jeremy Laura: Leafs only need 20 minute effort to beat Wings
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Jeremy Laura
Detroit Red Wings
Location: MI
Joined: 01.26.2016

Nov 17 @ 5:05 PM ET
Jeremy Laura: Leafs only need 20 minute effort to beat Wings
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Buffalo Grove, IL
Joined: 03.07.2013

Nov 17 @ 6:11 PM ET
What did I say yesterday?
The "luck" will eventually fizzle out.
They said today that Wings 6 out of 8 wins were "come from behind" wins.
Today the tables have turned.
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 06.12.2006

Nov 17 @ 6:23 PM ET
With the Red Wings, Water is seeking it's own level.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Columbia, SC
Joined: 07.01.2020

Nov 17 @ 6:23 PM ET
Hope Walman's going to be ok, not sure what happened as I was listening while at work!! 1 out of 4 points is embarrassing. Lyon sounded like he established himself as a viable G....have to watch the game, bit sounded like he did real well. The 40min game was all DRW. Happens every game, it seems. There's a deeper issue on this team whether it's training for 40min of muscle-memory or what, I don't know. Way I look at it is you should train your collective butt off for double the minutes of the game.....New Zealand All Blacks do it, the South African Springboks (2023 Rugby World Cup winners....) do it... I know rugby's a different game and training time is at a premium in sports with multiple games in a week.

Some of the recent games I've watched, seems there an attention break-down with these guys. Mental defficiency in staying focused for the full 60min. Just saying what I see. There's enough time gone in this season for a staff to figure out what's broken. Someone needs treatment for their cranial-anal inversion syndrome. This is BS.

Someone posted on one of Jeremy's last couple of blogs a VERY insightful introspective about the construct of the team, expectations, think it was Blueline Enforcer on J's last blog. When I readwhat he posted, I really had to pause to digest it.....I just went back to re-read it. If you've missed it, do yourself a favour & re-read it. Glad I did, really puts this team into perspective.
@Blue: Thanks for what you wrote. Very good read.

Yes, there are some changes needed on this team. But, and I've said this many times before, what send out a potential strong player for immediate reward that merely results in decimation by the end of the season....or swept in the 1st round of the SCPO? I'm guilty of high expectations, higher than this team is capable of. This IS a good team, not barn-burners, just good. We MIGHT be a WC team this year, but until we get a full 60min of play, that's not gonna happen. Just is what it is.

I still love this club, it's history, where it could be again....Hockeytown. I want more because I've experienced more. It'll happen again.....just gotta be patient. In the meantime, this team needs a slap in the face to wake up and play like they are capable of, the coaches need to get creative. Losing with a full 60min of effort is more palatable that rolling over for a period or so and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory....

Let's GO, Red Wings!!!!!!!@
Jeremy Laura
Detroit Red Wings
Location: MI
Joined: 01.26.2016

Nov 17 @ 9:04 PM ET
Hope Walman's going to be ok, not sure what happened as I was listening while at work!! 1 out of 4 points is embarrassing. Lyon sounded like he established himself as a viable G....have to watch the game, bit sounded like he did real well. The 40min game was all DRW. Happens every game, it seems. There's a deeper issue on this team whether it's training for 40min of muscle-memory or what, I don't know. Way I look at it is you should train your collective butt off for double the minutes of the game.....New Zealand All Blacks do it, the South African Springboks (2023 Rugby World Cup winners....) do it... I know rugby's a different game and training time is at a premium in sports with multiple games in a week.

Some of the recent games I've watched, seems there an attention break-down with these guys. Mental defficiency in staying focused for the full 60min. Just saying what I see. There's enough time gone in this season for a staff to figure out what's broken. Someone needs treatment for their cranial-anal inversion syndrome. This is BS.

Someone posted on one of Jeremy's last couple of blogs a VERY insightful introspective about the construct of the team, expectations, think it was Blueline Enforcer on J's last blog. When I readwhat he posted, I really had to pause to digest it.....I just went back to re-read it. If you've missed it, do yourself a favour & re-read it. Glad I did, really puts this team into perspective.
@Blue: Thanks for what you wrote. Very good read.

Yes, there are some changes needed on this team. But, and I've said this many times before, what send out a potential strong player for immediate reward that merely results in decimation by the end of the season....or swept in the 1st round of the SCPO? I'm guilty of high expectations, higher than this team is capable of. This IS a good team, not barn-burners, just good. We MIGHT be a WC team this year, but until we get a full 60min of play, that's not gonna happen. Just is what it is.

I still love this club, it's history, where it could be again....Hockeytown. I want more because I've experienced more. It'll happen again.....just gotta be patient. In the meantime, this team needs a slap in the face to wake up and play like they are capable of, the coaches need to get creative. Losing with a full 60min of effort is more palatable that rolling over for a period or so and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory....

Let's GO, Red Wings!!!!!!!@

- mcmastermike1968

With Walman, remember when Yzerman hit the post with his legs and screwed up his knee? Imagine doing that with your head and shoulder. He fell rushing at the net and slid hitting his head and shoulder and looked bade. Best case scenario is probably a mild concussion and a bruised shoulder. Hopefully no serious head damage or rotator cuff issues.
Jeremy Laura
Detroit Red Wings
Location: MI
Joined: 01.26.2016

Nov 17 @ 9:05 PM ET
What did I say yesterday?
The "luck" will eventually fizzle out.
They said today that Wings 6 out of 8 wins were "come from behind" wins.
Today the tables have turned.

- StargateSG1

You are right, this team lets in at least 3 goals a night and then tries to get out. This time they started ahead but couldn’t finish the job. Up 2-0 going into the 3rd and losing 3-2 in regulation. Walman was out for the 3rd, and the defense was terrible. Not sure if he would have made the difference but it was a bad watch.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Buffalo Grove, IL
Joined: 03.07.2013

Nov 17 @ 9:21 PM ET
You are right, this team lets in at least 3 goals a night and then tries to get out. This time they started ahead but couldn’t finish the job. Up 2-0 going into the 3rd and losing 3-2 in regulation. Walman was out for the 3rd, and the defense was terrible. Not sure if he would have made the difference but it was a bad watch.
- Jeremy Laura

And, of course, I don't remember all the teams they came from behind to win, but something tells me it was the likes of CBJs, Islanders, Kraken, etc.
UPD: Ottawa too
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Columbia, SC
Joined: 07.01.2020

Nov 17 @ 10:12 PM ET
With Walman, remember when Yzerman hit the post with his legs and screwed up his knee? Imagine doing that with your head and shoulder. He fell rushing at the net and slid hitting his head and shoulder and looked bade. Best case scenario is probably a mild concussion and a bruised shoulder. Hopefully no serious head damage or rotator cuff issues.
- Jeremy Laura

Welp....I truly hope he's ok. Would expect a minimum concussion protocol period, then. At least he's going to have several days between today & the next game.....If it's a compounded injury (shoulder & concussion, may not be such a good story). He's a great D-man, wonder about call-ups, etc... but we're probably not going to hear anything until next week.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Columbia, SC
Joined: 07.01.2020

Nov 17 @ 10:19 PM ET
And, of course, I don't remember all the teams they came from behind to win, but something tells me it was the likes of CBJs, Islanders, Kraken, etc.
- StargateSG1

Fact of the matter is we can't live coming from behind in the East, in general, and dang sure not in the Atlantic.....life's gonna be pretty difficult expecting to do that, for sure.
Detroit Red Wings
Joined: 10.23.2021

Nov 17 @ 11:38 PM ET
Observations of the debacle. Lyon looked very good especially for a goalie that has not played for a very long time no leaky goals like we are use too . He deserves to play the next game or one after to see what he can do again. Hall was at fault for that 3rd goal and Larkin looks like a different player right now, has not produced for some games now maybe switch him with Compher for a couple games.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Ottawa, ON
Joined: 08.20.2006

Nov 18 @ 2:34 AM ET
The Chiarot/Petry pairing cost them the game against the Sens. This pairing has to be the worst pairing in the entire NHL. Reimer wasn't good in that game either but that pairing is still what cost them that game.

This game the Wings somehow ended up in front but were not generating much offense at all and made life way too easy for a struggling Samsonov.

I hope if Walman misses any time, they put Ghost or Edvinsson with Seider and not Chiarot. I don't know what they can do about the 2nd and 3rd pairing. None of Chiarot, Holl and Petry should ever be paired together and i think the Wings would be much better off without all 3 of them. Mind boggling that the Wings are spending 10.5 million of their cap on those 3 guys. Chiarot doesn't seem to fit in with any defense partner. Petry is weak defensively and seems to lose the puck a lot in the defensive zone when pressured just like Chiarot. Holl doesn't seem to bring much of anything aside from size but just like Rasmussen, he's a big cream puff.

Speaking of Ras, he has looked like crap this season. He looks slower and still weak. Doesn't have much hands/hockey IQ but that was always the case. I would rather see Soderblom in there since he has better hands, offensive IQ and a much better shot. Need to trade Ras before you can't sell teams on the potential that he might be the next Tage Thompson or something.

Wings fans have been blaming the goalies for most losses but Lyon played well and still had a below .900 save %. Yzerman needs to fix that defense but hard to do when you need to get rid of 3 guys back there to improve it...two of them that just got signed/traded for in Petry and Holl plus they all have NTCs.

On a side note, Larkin hasn't looked right since he had that injury where he had to miss a practice and get treatment. Something has to be wrong with him, a lingering issue or something.
Jeremy Laura
Detroit Red Wings
Location: MI
Joined: 01.26.2016

Nov 18 @ 12:09 PM ET
The Chiarot/Petry pairing cost them the game against the Sens. This pairing has to be the worst pairing in the entire NHL. Reimer wasn't good in that game either but that pairing is still what cost them that game.

This game the Wings somehow ended up in front but were not generating much offense at all and made life way too easy for a struggling Samsonov.

I hope if Walman misses any time, they put Ghost or Edvinsson with Seider and not Chiarot. I don't know what they can do about the 2nd and 3rd pairing. None of Chiarot, Holl and Petry should ever be paired together and i think the Wings would be much better off without all 3 of them. Mind boggling that the Wings are spending 10.5 million of their cap on those 3 guys. Chiarot doesn't seem to fit in with any defense partner. Petry is weak defensively and seems to lose the puck a lot in the defensive zone when pressured just like Chiarot. Holl doesn't seem to bring much of anything aside from size but just like Rasmussen, he's a big cream puff.

Speaking of Ras, he has looked like crap this season. He looks slower and still weak. Doesn't have much hands/hockey IQ but that was always the case. I would rather see Soderblom in there since he has better hands, offensive IQ and a much better shot. Need to trade Ras before you can't sell teams on the potential that he might be the next Tage Thompson or something.

Wings fans have been blaming the goalies for most losses but Lyon played well and still had a below .900 save %. Yzerman needs to fix that defense but hard to do when you need to get rid of 3 guys back there to improve it...two of them that just got signed/traded for in Petry and Holl plus they all have NTCs.

On a side note, Larkin hasn't looked right since he had that injury where he had to miss a practice and get treatment. Something has to be wrong with him, a lingering issue or something.

- dcz28

There are nights when Chiarot just doesn’t look right. I expect Petry to have lost a step, but pairing the two seems like a mistake. I agree on Larkin. We know he needed shoulder surgery and played through for almost a full season. My friend who has his PhD said that sprains are worse than breaks sometimes. You don’t really know the damage and the wrong move can turn it into something nasty. A break can be identified and set