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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jan 26 @ 12:46 PM ET
Consider also that Anaheim is a contender NOW. Whichever prospect they pick up will probably have a decent amount of time to develop and be ready a few seasons later.

I hate not having our first - wouldn't be as bad if we were in a better position in the standings. Oh well, apparently every single player in this upcoming draft is pure dogsh*t according to some people... =/

- Mr_Squeaks

Bob McKenzie did not say the upcoming draft is "pure dogsh*t", but he did say it was not as deep as last year's or what they believe next years will be, after the top 3 or 4 picks.

But don't believe me, listen for yourself.

click on
Bob McKenzie's Mid-Season NHL Draft Ranking Show

I wonder if Ottawa will ever recover from not having a first or second round pick in the 2010 entry draft, and now this years draft without a first??

Maybe they should just have a dispersal draft after this season, and fold the franchise, and try to bring in an AHL team.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 26 @ 5:09 PM ET
"makes no never mind" is a phrase commonly used by french speaking Canadians in the Ottawa/Gatineau area.

I worked 30 yrs plus in a workplace that 60/40 french speaking/english speaking, and it's a phrase I still use.

I would not expect you to believe me...........but do expect you to disparage my use of it.

FYI, french speaking Canadian will also use the phrases "open the light" & "close the light" when speaking english.

And yes, today the leafs are in a better situation, as they've moved up out of a wild-card spot. and Ottawa has to many teams to pass in the standings to be considered in the running for the playoffs. I'm not one to delude myself into thinking that because they're only two points back, they are closer to making the playoffs than not.

- Doppleganger

Do the french also write "two" instead of "too" or "to"?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not quite my tempo
Joined: 02.26.2007

Jan 26 @ 11:02 PM ET
Leafs for sure
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Hall looks disengaged, NS
Joined: 07.18.2007

Jan 27 @ 7:35 AM ET
There's probably three questions you have to ask yourself:

1) Who's better today?

2) Who's got the core roster you can better envision winning the cup?

3) Who's got the better prospects?
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jan 27 @ 8:40 AM ET
There's probably three questions you have to ask yourself:

1) Who's better today?

2) Who's got the core roster you can better envision winning the cup?

3) Who's got the better prospects?

- Morris

I like ottawa just because ,we just seem to have more flexability in our roster moving forward.Toronto just has too many higher priced players that they are locked into right now
Cape Breton Bruins
Boston Bruins
Location: long friend time friend, AB
Joined: 11.26.2008

Jan 27 @ 8:47 AM ET
There's probably three questions you have to ask yourself:

1) Who's better today?

2) Who's got the core roster you can better envision winning the cup?

3) Who's got the better prospects?

- Morris

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 9:46 AM ET
I like ottawa just because ,we just seem to have more flexability in our roster moving forward.Toronto just has too many higher priced players that they are locked into right now
- top shelf 15

That's a nice way of spinning "our best pieces are soon to be UFAs, who will leave when the organization low-balls them"

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jan 27 @ 9:59 AM ET
Do the french also write "two" instead of "too" or "to"?
- Feeling Glucky?

They often write "is" instead of "his".
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jan 27 @ 10:02 AM ET
I like ottawa just because ,we just seem to have more flexability in our roster moving forward.Toronto just has too many higher priced players that they are locked into right now
- top shelf 15


Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 10:02 AM ET
They often write "is" instead of "his".
- Doppleganger

Making fun of the Quebecois because of the way they speak? Really?

The bigotry never ends with you.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 10:04 AM ET

- Doppleganger

I see you've given up any pretense of hockey talk and have jumped into the troll pool.

At least you're not trying to hide it any more.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jan 27 @ 10:44 AM ET
Making fun of the Quebecois because of the way they speak? Really?

The bigotry never ends with you.

- Feeling Glucky?

writing is not speaking.

Why are you assuming I'm not Quebecois????

Perhaps the bigot is the person you see in the morning when shaving?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not quite my tempo
Joined: 02.26.2007

Jan 27 @ 11:04 AM ET
Making fun of the Quebecois because of the way they speak? Really?

The bigotry never ends with you.

- Feeling Glucky?

he's so so so racist. Also has been reported
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 11:39 AM ET
writing is not speaking.

Why are you assuming I'm not Quebecois????

Perhaps the bigot is the person you see in the morning when shaving?

- Doppleganger

Please continue this conversation in French.

And no, I don't have your picture on my mirror. This must be a massive blow to your self-esteem.
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jan 27 @ 11:41 AM ET
That's a nice way of spinning "our best pieces are soon to be UFAs, who will leave when the organization low-balls them"

- Feeling Glucky?

Come on ,EM may be cheap but he isnt dumb .No way he lets guys like Ryan and Methot etc leave .The leafs will have to spend to the cap just to keep this current team together.Or overpay in FA to improve ,unless they have a top line center or number 1 blueliner in their crop of prospects
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 11:43 AM ET
Come on ,EM may be cheap but he isnt dumb .No way he lets guys like Ryan and Methot etc leave .The leafs will have to spend to the cap just to keep this current team together.Or overpay in FA to improve ,unless they have a top line center or number 1 blueliner in their crop of prospects
- top shelf 15

Remember, you guys let Chara walk, because he dared ask for fair compensation for his skill set.

Rielly and Kadri, maybe Holland, btw.
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jan 27 @ 11:51 AM ET
Remember, you guys let Chara walk, because he dared ask for fair compensation for his skill set.

Rielly and Kadri, maybe Holland, btw.

- Feeling Glucky?
Chara left because we traded his best friend Hossa,Kadri and Reilly are good pieces,not so sure about holland.The leafs have some good pieces for sure ,but when you are at the cap and you are still so/so a team .You gotta ask yourself ,how do they take the next step FA,drafting??
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 11:55 AM ET
Chara left because we traded his best friend Hossa,Kadri and Reilly are good pieces,not so sure about holland.The leafs have some good pieces for sure ,but when you are at the cap and you are still so/so a team .You gotta ask yourself ,how long a window does this team have???
- top shelf 15

Best pieces still have their best years ahead of them.... and the team has the means and willingness to retain them. Cap's going up year after year, and outside of Kadri, all our key pieces are locked up, so the cap isn't actually a big problem. Trade, signing, and development from within are the routes the Leafs will take.

Chara left because he was low-balled. Plain and simple.
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jan 27 @ 12:03 PM ET
Best pieces still have their best years ahead of them.... and the team has the means and willingness to retain them. Cap's going up year after year, and outside of Kadri, all our key pieces are locked up, so the cap isn't actually a big problem. Trade, signing, and development from within are the routes the Leafs will take.

Chara left because he was low-balled. Plain and simple.

- Feeling Glucky?
Chara was pissed they way they dumped Hossa in atlanta for Heatley,any hope of him giving us a break on resigning him left on that day.Besides we were a cap team back then ,we had 12 mil to resign both redden and chara.It wasnt enough pure and simple
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jan 27 @ 12:05 PM ET
Best pieces still have their best years ahead of them.... and the team has the means and willingness to retain them. Cap's going up year after year, and outside of Kadri, all our key pieces are locked up, so the cap isn't actually a big problem. Trade, signing, and development from within are the routes the Leafs will take.

Chara left because he was low-balled. Plain and simple.

- Feeling Glucky?
And ottawa doesnt have anything that looks like a young core???

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jan 27 @ 12:14 PM ET
And ottawa doesnt have anything that looks like a young core???
- top shelf 15

They do.

Turris, Zib, Karlson, Cowen and Ceci are nice starting points... But what happens when they want raises, and management is busy pinching pennies?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Windsor Area, ON
Joined: 08.23.2006

Jan 27 @ 12:34 PM ET

- Doppleganger

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain; and most fools do."
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jan 27 @ 1:24 PM ET
They do.

Turris, Zib, Karlson, Cowen and Ceci are nice starting points... But what happens when they want raises, and management is busy pinching pennies?

- Feeling Glucky?

Those guys are all locked up ,and Ceci is on his elc,zib is an rfa with not enough proven at the nhl level.EM has shown he will spend on keeping higher end pieces that will make him money for the long haul .He is a cheapskate no matter what ,but he will spend to make money .If he doesnt sign guys like ryan and methot etc he knows his season ticket base will suffer ,so i dont see this as an issue.Signing or trading for a guy that has a big contract to put us over the top ,is something he wont do however and that,s the real issue in ottawa
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jan 27 @ 1:53 PM ET
Chara was pissed they way they dumped Hossa in atlanta for Heatley,any hope of him giving us a break on resigning him left on that day.Besides we were a cap team back then ,we had 12 mil to resign both redden and chara.It wasnt enough pure and simple

- top shelf 15

Don't forget, Chara asked to be made Captain as well.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jan 27 @ 1:58 PM ET
he's so so so racist. Also has been reported
- the_cause2000

Such a huge Liar, and makes false accusations about others.

Has been Reported.
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