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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 4 @ 3:13 PM ET
Keep deflecting away from hockey

Proof has been posted, by many people over many pages of many threads. Why keep going when you refuse to acknowledge the facts?

Toronto had 3 wins against a good hockey team. Ottawa had 1. Imagine if Ottawa had faced Boston? They would have been swept in 3 games.

- Feeling Glucky?

All talk, and no proof to back up your tepid claims...........such a troll.

In any case, Ottawa would have needed at least 4 games to sweep the Bruins.

But it still does not change the History the leafs made by becoming the team with the worst game seven collapse in a Stanley Cup playoffs history.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 4 @ 3:28 PM ET
All talk, and no proof to back up your tepid claims...........such a troll.

In any case, Ottawa would have needed at least 4 games to sweep the Bruins.

But it still does not change the History the leafs made by becoming the team with the worst game seven collapse in a Stanley Cup playoffs history.

- Doppleganger

Just backread all the other threads you've turned into babbled about this in, you'll see all the proof you need. Why should I do extra work for someone who refuses to look for the truth himself, and instead wants to believe all the crap the oil lobbies and corrupt right-wingers throw at him?

Where's the evidence that that was the worst collapse? Show me proof. Post the stats from every single playoff series in the history of the NHL. You've made the claim, the onus is on you to prove it.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy this season, while you look to the past. A sad, sad, past, devoid of any cup wins.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 4 @ 3:37 PM ET
Just backread all the other threads you've turned into babbled about this in, you'll see all the proof you need. Why should I do extra work for someone who refuses to look for the truth himself, and instead wants to believe all the crap the oil lobbies and corrupt right-wingers throw at him?

Where's the evidence that that was the worst collapse? Show me proof. Post the stats from every single playoff series in the history of the NHL. You've made the claim, the onus is on you to prove it.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy this season, while you look to the past. A sad, sad, past, devoid of any cup wins.

- Feeling Glucky?

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 4 @ 4:02 PM ET

- Doppleganger

Yup. The current senators team had to steal from a great-depression era team to claim it has cups.

But it doesn't.

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 4 @ 7:42 PM ET
Yup. The current senators team had to steal from a great-depression era team to claim it has cups.

But it doesn't.

- Feeling Glucky?

Yeah Ottawa's Cups are in the past, but they still count as Cups awarded to an Ottawa based team.............just as valid as any from the mid sixties, if you want to enjoy the past, as you stated earlier.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 5 @ 8:57 AM ET
Yeah Ottawa's Cups are in the past, but they still count as Cups awarded to an Ottawa based team.............just as valid as any from the mid sixties, if you want to enjoy the past, as you stated earlier.
- Doppleganger


Oh look, as usual, the facts are against you and you're in denial.

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 5 @ 9:27 AM ET

Oh look, as usual, the facts are against you and you're in denial.

- Feeling Glucky?

The Banners are Hanging in the Arena, and the record books show us who has won the Stanley Cup.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Hall looks disengaged, NS
Joined: 07.18.2007

Nov 5 @ 9:33 AM ET
The Banners are Hanging in the Arena, and the record books show us who has won the Stanley Cup.
- Doppleganger

My name happens to be Daniel Day-Lewis.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 5 @ 9:37 AM ET
My name happens to be Daniel Day-Lewis.
- Morris

Are the Oilers toast, as far as the playoffs are concerned?
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Hall looks disengaged, NS
Joined: 07.18.2007

Nov 5 @ 9:41 AM ET
Are the Oilers toast, as far as the playoffs are concerned?
- Doppleganger

yeah, likely. Teams have caught fire, and teams have collapsed, but they're an absolute longshot, short of us trade-raping at least three different teams.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 5 @ 9:50 AM ET
yeah, likely. Teams have caught fire, and teams have collapsed, but they're an absolute longshot, short of us trade-raping at least three different teams.
- Morris

They've played the "fire the Coach" card enough times, so there has to be something else done this time around.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 5 @ 9:51 AM ET
The Banners are Hanging in the Arena, and the record books show us who has won the Stanley Cup.
- Doppleganger

Yup. And the current Ottawa Senators franchise doesn't grace the pages of those books.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Hall looks disengaged, NS
Joined: 07.18.2007

Nov 5 @ 9:59 AM ET
They've played the "fire the Coach" card enough times, so there has to be something else done this time around.
- Doppleganger

agreed. I like Eakins, and I'll somewhat give them a pass given that the GM wants to install "his guy", but there wasn't a particularly good reason to fire Krueger. 5 on 5 has actually improved for us this year and there were problems with Krueger's system, but our special teams have gone to pot.

PK may be an experience thing, as Gordon, Acton and Ference are PK mainstays that are new to the team. There's no excuse for a PP with out talent-level to be so bad. So that's a clear effect of firing Krueger.

All in all though, it's not the coaches fault. In the context of this thread, it's clear that Edmonton who was supposed to be on par or ahead of Ottawa and Toronto is decidedly behind both.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 5 @ 10:09 AM ET
agreed. I like Eakins, and I'll somewhat give them a pass given that the GM wants to install "his guy", but there wasn't a particularly good reason to fire Krueger. 5 on 5 has actually improved for us this year and there were problems with Krueger's system, but our special teams have gone to pot.

PK may be an experience thing, as Gordon, Acton and Ference are PK mainstays that are new to the team. There's no excuse for a PP with out talent-level to be so bad. So that's a clear effect of firing Krueger.

All in all though, it's not the coaches fault. In the context of this thread, it's clear that Edmonton who was supposed to be on par or ahead of Ottawa and Toronto is decidedly behind both.

- Morris

Gotta wonder if they bite the bullet and trade one of the young guns for a top d-man.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Nov 5 @ 11:52 PM ET
Ottawa now only 4 points from taking over a Wildcard spot, with one game in hand on the Canadiens, who they play Thursday.

Soild win tonight, but still some room for improvement, they're trending ever so slowly in the right direction.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 6 @ 8:30 AM ET
Ottawa now only 4 points from taking over a Wildcard spot, with one game in hand on the Canadiens, who they play Thursday.

Soild win tonight, but still some room for improvement, they're trending ever so slowly in the right direction.

- Doppleganger

1 win in the last six games.

"trending in the right direction"
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Hall looks disengaged, NS
Joined: 07.18.2007

Nov 6 @ 9:14 AM ET
Gotta wonder if they bite the bullet and trade one of the young guns for a top d-man.
- Feeling Glucky?

It's certainly a question. This Yak to NY business is interesting, although I sincerely believe it's a win for us and a loss for NY if they give up McDonagh, and a loss for us and a win for them otherwise.
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Nov 6 @ 9:55 AM ET
1 win in the last six games.

"trending in the right direction"

- Feeling Glucky?

the leafs are 10-5 and the sens are 5-10
I hate loser points

The next 5 games look like this for each

Toronto - NJ, @Bos, @Min, @Buf, Buff
Ottawa - Mon, Fla, Phi, Bos, CBJ

Ottawa all at home...but are so far 1-5 at home
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Nov 6 @ 10:04 AM ET
Yep its been a rough start for us ,the kiddie corp defense has been exposed badly .Hopefully it will get better ,Cowen has started to come around slowly ,but still is no where close to where he needs to be .Gryba and Weircoch have been seriously out matched and need the one thing we are starting to become short on ,which is time
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Nov 6 @ 10:28 AM ET
Yep its been a rough start for us ,the kiddie corp defense has been exposed badly .Hopefully it will get better ,Cowen has started to come around slowly ,but still is no where close to where he needs to be .Gryba and Weircoch have been seriously out matched and need the one thing we are starting to become short on ,which is time
- top shelf 15

I dont think those pre-season predictions of Conference winners or cup finalists have done them any favors. the "rebuild" sticker was removed and expectations are applied.

That said, I still think the sens finish ahead of the leafs. Both making the playoffs which is fine
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 6 @ 11:04 AM ET
I dont think those pre-season predictions of Conference winners or cup finalists have done them any favors. the "rebuild" sticker was removed and expectations are applied.

That said, I still think the sens finish ahead of the leafs. Both making the playoffs which is fine

- senstroll

How long is Anderson out for?

If he's back soon enough and back to form, it's pretty likely.

Especially with the Leaf's center depth decimated for the next month.
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Nov 6 @ 11:27 AM ET
I dont think those pre-season predictions of Conference winners or cup finalists have done them any favors. the "rebuild" sticker was removed and expectations are applied.

That said, I still think the sens finish ahead of the leafs. Both making the playoffs which is fine

- senstroll

The east is weak ,any team can come out of it this season .But i think whoever does will be cannon fodder to the western champ
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Nov 6 @ 11:28 AM ET
How long is Anderson out for?

If he's back soon enough and back to form, it's pretty likely.

Especially with the Leaf's center depth decimated for the next month.

- Feeling Glucky?
The leafs have one of the best collection of scoring wingers in the league though ,i think they will be fine whomever plays at center
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Nov 6 @ 11:32 AM ET
The leafs have one of the best collection of scoring wingers in the league though ,i think they will be fine whomever plays at center

- top shelf 15

I don't know... Bolland was a really big piece of the team's success so far. Good all around player who provides vital depth when the top guys go down with injury.

Now with 2 centers gone, we're moving one of our top wingers to the #1 C position, which means our top line is 3 wingers, and our 2nd line wingers are Clarkson and Raymond. Not bad, but not as lethal as earlier.
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Nov 6 @ 11:35 AM ET
I don't know... Bolland was a really big piece of the team's success so far. Good all around player who provides vital depth when the top guys go down with injury.

Now with 2 centers gone, we're moving one of our top wingers to the #1 C position, which means our top line is 3 wingers, and our 2nd line wingers are Clarkson and Raymond. Not bad, but not as lethal as earlier.

- Feeling Glucky?

They will survive ,too much tallent not too.Kadri,Kessel,JVR, Lupul ETC are all good goal scorers ,add in good goaltending and i dont see them slipping that much
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