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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jul 13 @ 9:17 PM ET
yea, thanks dopps. This is all 100% new information I could only get from DNN.

As you obviousy misunderstood, I picked 5 I feel are 100% in barring massive injuries, a few who will surely miss barring miracles, and the majority of the conference as bubble teams. The point I was making is that I feel the conference is wide open.

But yea, thanks for the news.

- muffin_man

As you may already know, games within the division are now more important than before, when conference standing determined playoff seeds.

Theoretically you could have a couple of teams Qualifying in Division C that have fewer points than a team or two (who don't qualify for the post season) in division D.

The focus has shifted back to the division and away from the conference when it comes to the so called "four point games".
Montreal Canadiens
Location: no problem, as s hole - Eric Engels, NY
Joined: 02.10.2007

Jul 14 @ 1:32 AM ET
As you may already know, games within the division are now more important than before, when conference standing determined playoff seeds.

Theoretically you could have a couple of teams Qualifying in Division C that have fewer points than a team or two (who don't qualify for the post season) in division D.

The focus has shifted back to the division and away from the conference when it comes to the so called "four point games".


Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 14 @ 9:46 AM ET
The new format is (frank)ing stupid. It's completely unbalanced and has to be fixed, ie put back how it was before.

That's all I have to say.
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jul 15 @ 9:16 AM ET
The new format is (frank)ing stupid. It's completely unbalanced and has to be fixed, ie put back how it was before.

That's all I have to say.

- daeth

The league wants to go to 32 teams, they have to figure out the weak sisters like Phoenix, if they are staying or moving. Appear to be staying again. they want the expansion money for Quebec and wherever else.

on a different note, I am interested to see where the "experts" predict Toronto to be before the season starts. Does adding Clarkson and Bernier make them a playoff prediction lock for most? More moves might be made though.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 15 @ 9:23 AM ET
I don't think they should have even considered changing the format until they had the 32 teams though. The road to the playoffs in the East will be dramatically harder than it will be for the West.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jul 15 @ 9:27 AM ET
I don't think they should have even considered changing the format until they had the 32 teams though. The road to the playoffs in the East will be dramatically harder than it will be for the West.
- daeth

I don't think it'll be that much harder... every year the bottom feeders will reveal themselves early on, and be non-factors.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: no problem, as s hole - Eric Engels, NY
Joined: 02.10.2007

Jul 15 @ 9:47 AM ET
I don't think it'll be that much harder... every year the bottom feeders will reveal themselves early on, and be non-factors.
- Feeling Glucky?

10 of 14 teams in the west and 13 of 16 teams in the east have playoff hopes right now...

Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 15 @ 9:59 AM ET
I don't think it'll be that much harder... every year the bottom feeders will reveal themselves early on, and be non-factors.
- Feeling Glucky?

Look at division C. Five teams in that division made the playoffs last year. Only 7 teams in the entire new Western conference were playoff teams last year.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: BiggButtz
Joined: 03.11.2010

Jul 15 @ 10:47 AM ET
Look at division C. Five teams in that division made the playoffs last year. Only 7 teams in the entire new Western conference were playoff teams last year.
- daeth

Look at Division D though. Whoa.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jul 15 @ 10:57 AM ET
Look at Division D though. Whoa.
- sanfordnson

You know, I don't think they really improved it or made it worse...

I don't like the idea of a team with fewer points getting in over another team just because of division... top 8 teams from either conference should just get in, regardless of division.

Actually... I'll probably go ahead and say they made it worse, just because it's more likely to happen now.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 15 @ 10:59 AM ET
You know, I don't think they really improved it or made it worse...

I don't like the idea of a team with fewer points getting in over another team just because of division... top 8 teams from either conference should just get in, regardless of division.

Actually... I'll probably go ahead and say they made it worse, just because it's more likely to happen now.

- Feeling Glucky?


And more games vs the division is stupid too I think. I'd rather just have two conferences and get rid of the divisions entirely.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: no problem, as s hole - Eric Engels, NY
Joined: 02.10.2007

Jul 15 @ 11:25 AM ET
The only reason I see for keeping divisions is to reduce travel expenses for the teams which, in theory, keeps ticket prices down.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 15 @ 11:31 AM ET
It's definitely to keep travel costs down, though that probably doesn't affect ticket prices since they likely just charge whatever they can get away with regardless of anything else.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: no problem, as s hole - Eric Engels, NY
Joined: 02.10.2007

Jul 15 @ 11:40 AM ET
It's definitely to keep travel costs down, though that probably doesn't affect ticket prices since they likely just charge whatever they can get away with regardless of anything else.
- daeth

"in theory"
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jul 15 @ 11:50 AM ET
You know, I don't think they really improved it or made it worse...

I don't like the idea of a team with fewer points getting in over another team just because of division... top 8 teams from either conference should just get in, regardless of division.

Actually... I'll probably go ahead and say they made it worse, just because it's more likely to happen now.

- Feeling Glucky?

The owners wanted to re-kindle the Divisional Rivalries that they had in the past. With the first two rounds played within the Division, they hope to boost the regular season match ups in the Future.

This past playoff season saw the Senators face the Habs, and the coming regular season games will be that much more intense because of it. It also should reduce travel costs for the first two rounds.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: no problem, as s hole - Eric Engels, NY
Joined: 02.10.2007

Jul 15 @ 12:08 PM ET
The owners wanted to re-kindle the Divisional Rivalries that they had in the past. With the first two rounds played within the Division, they hope to boost the regular season match ups in the Future.

This past playoff season saw the Senators face the Habs, and the coming regular season games will be that much more intense because of it. It also should reduce travel costs for the first two rounds.

- Doppleganger

And the Leafs face the bruins

and it only helps costs if FLA and TB miss the playoffs.
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 15 @ 12:13 PM ET
I don't even care about divisional rivalries at all. A balanced and fair schedule is more interesting to me than that.

Having the best teams in the playoffs = more entertaining hockey.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: no problem, as s hole - Eric Engels, NY
Joined: 02.10.2007

Jul 15 @ 12:20 PM ET
I don't even care about divisional rivalries at all. A balanced and fair schedule is more interesting to me than that.

Having the best teams in the playoffs = more entertaining hockey.

- daeth

We cheer for teams that don't need rivalries to be relevant in our cities. NJ, FLA, NYI, TB, WAS, heck even OTT and BUF have better attendance against rivalry teams...
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Jul 15 @ 12:22 PM ET
I don't pretend to speak for the majority
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 03.27.2007

Jul 15 @ 6:04 PM ET
The league wants to go to 32 teams, they have to figure out the weak sisters like Phoenix, if they are staying or moving. Appear to be staying again. they want the expansion money for Quebec and wherever else.

on a different note, I am interested to see where the "experts" predict Toronto to be before the season starts. Does adding Clarkson and Bernier make them a playoff prediction lock for most? More moves might be made though.

- senstroll

The experts hate the Leafs. So I don't expect much. Darren Pang was the only guy this season to pick the Leafs to make the playoffs, and the rest of the TSN panel mocked him. "Toronto Sports Network" indeed...
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jul 16 @ 8:50 AM ET
The experts hate the Leafs. So I don't expect much. Darren Pang was the only guy this season to pick the Leafs to make the playoffs, and the rest of the TSN panel mocked him. "Toronto Sports Network" indeed...
- RogerRoeper

This past season I didnt pick them to make the playoffs either. I was surprised at how well they ended up playing overall. I am still unsure if it were an 82 game season if they still couldnt have found a way to screw it up tbh. They didnt have the best possession numbers and seemed to win most games while being outshot etc.

One thing I have come around on is Phil Kessel. I liked him but thought the trade was unnecessary at the time and clearly in Bostons favor. Now I dont feel that so much after seeing how he preformed in the playoffs and has become much more than just a goal scorer. You can see he is one of the most talented players on the ice at all times, always dangerous. I hope he can step it up a couple notches more that he is in his prime 25-28.

This coming season assuming no further changes are made, Adding Bolland, Bernier and Clarkson I am pretty confident they are at least in the top 8 somewhere.

top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jul 16 @ 11:24 AM ET
Ottawa,s got an owner that ,had no money to improve upon an already pretty decent team .Toronto will never have that problem so they win
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jul 16 @ 12:59 PM ET
Ottawa,s got an owner that ,had no money to improve upon an already pretty decent team .Toronto will never have that problem so they win
- top shelf 15

teams can only spend to the cap. Ottawa spending 55-56 mil and Toronto spending 64 is not that much different.

and I call BS on the no money thing
top shelf 15
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 11.23.2008

Jul 16 @ 1:31 PM ET
teams can only spend to the cap. Ottawa spending 55-56 mil and Toronto spending 64 is not that much different.

and I call BS on the no money thing

- senstroll
Oh the sens make money ,but our owner is losing too much money in his other ventures. And needs to run the team at the cap floor because of it.We wont be at 56 mil we will trade a guy like Michalek for picks
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Jul 16 @ 4:20 PM ET
teams can only spend to the cap. Ottawa spending 55-56 mil and Toronto spending 64 is not that much different.

and I call BS on the no money thing

- senstroll

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