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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Mar 23 @ 9:49 AM ET

Fair enough. Sometimes we outsiders get confused after reading posts and opinions over that time where things were just peachy.

- Cape Breton Bruins

there were a few good stretches that felt like we had something going... but they all ended with a huge thud.

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 10:07 AM ET
there were a few good stretches that felt like we had something going... but they all ended with a huge thud.
- senstroll

I think the Bruins just psychologically ruined the group we have now.
Pecafan Fan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme
Joined: 01.20.2009

Mar 23 @ 10:15 AM ET
I think the Bruins just psychologically ruined the group we have now.
- Feeling Glucky?

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 10:22 AM ET
- Pecafan Fan

why can't we just have these guys be robots?

Wouldn't have to worry about concussions either.
Pecafan Fan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme
Joined: 01.20.2009

Mar 23 @ 10:34 AM ET
why can't we just have these guys be robots?

Wouldn't have to worry about concussions either.

- Feeling Glucky?

I've been saying for a while that Game 7 probably completely (frank)ed that team over.
it,s like the minute they start to lose, they completely fall apart and nothing can be done in order to get back onto the right track.

Pretty weird.
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Mar 23 @ 10:55 AM ET
I've been saying for a while that Game 7 probably completely (frank)ed that team over.
it,s like the minute they start to lose, they completely fall apart and nothing can be done in order to get back onto the right track.

Pretty weird.

- Pecafan Fan

the part that (frank)ed the leafs over was the thinking that the leafs needed someone like Clarkson or Bolland to get them over the top...or prevent a collapse like that.
The fact is the leafs were not a very good team, and how they got to a game 7 I have no Idea (Reimer helped), they got crushed by Boston most of the games..it felt like the game was in the leafs end 70% of the time.

that was the point they should have been able to identify that the team was flawed, they were a bottom possession team that was able to run off some impressive streaks, but also going in the dumper for long streaks.. instead the leafs (Nonis etc..) thought they were just missing leadership and grit and sunk the team deeper. So many mistakes that off season that puts us here now.

I have no doubt players like Phaneuf and Kessel can thrive if they were on a team that was build well and not asked to do almost everything.

Management just failed the fans over and over. thankfully we have turned that corner.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 11:06 AM ET
the part that (frank)ed the leafs over was the thinking that the leafs needed someone like Clarkson or Bolland to get them over the top...or prevent a collapse like that.
The fact is the leafs were not a very good team, and how they got to a game 7 I have no Idea (Reimer helped), they got crushed by Boston most of the games..it felt like the game was in the leafs end 70% of the time.

that was the point they should have been able to identify that the team was flawed, they were a bottom possession team that was able to run off some impressive streaks, but also going in the dumper for long streaks.. instead the leafs (Nonis etc..) thought they were just missing leadership and grit and sunk the team deeper. So many mistakes that off season that puts us here now.

I have no doubt players like Phaneuf and Kessel can thrive if they were on a team that was build well and not asked to do almost everything.

Management just failed the fans over and over. thankfully we have turned that corner.

- senstroll

But Phaneuf should be a 50 point defender while starting in the defensive zone 70% of the time!

And Kessel needs to be a Selke winner, if we're paying him for his offensive skills!
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 11:29 AM ET
example of why having money is good for an NHL team #1305

Leafs managed to sign Casey Bailey because they were willing to spend the money and burn off a year of his contract this season while other teams were unable/unwilling.

Not likely that he'll become anything, but if he does, the Leafs' ability to spend like that is the reason they got him.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 11:31 AM ET

- Pecafan Fan

It's funny how the numbers change so much on that website.

It's almost as if it's not reliable or something.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Mar 23 @ 11:33 AM ET
example of why having money is good for an NHL team #1305

Leafs managed to sign Casey Bailey because they were willing to spend the money and burn off a year of his contract this season while other teams were unable/unwilling.

Not likely that he'll become anything, but if he does, the Leafs' ability to spend like that is the reason they got him.

- Feeling Glucky?

If nothing else the Leafs have clearly shown over the past decade that their financial might has given them a decided competitive advantage over the rest of the league.
Pecafan Fan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme
Joined: 01.20.2009

Mar 23 @ 11:33 AM ET
It's funny how the numbers change so much on that website.

It's almost as if it's not reliable or something.

- Feeling Glucky?

I just fail to see how Ottawa could be at 65% based on games in hand alone.
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Mar 23 @ 11:43 AM ET
It cant be worse
- senstroll

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 11:48 AM ET
I just fail to see how Ottawa could be at 65% based on games in hand alone.
- Pecafan Fan

ease of schedule?

Also, both sets of numbers come from the same site. The numbers in the graphs assume every game is a 50/50 chance of either team winning, the numbers dopps is posting are weighted based on points per game.

Ottawa has a game in hand, and is only 1 point back, so their points per game is higher.

Thing is, if Ottawa loses their next game, and Boston wins their's, it'll swing back the other way. And visa versa, it'll swing in Ottawa's favour even more. Right now the numbers for bubble teams are very volatile.
Pecafan Fan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme
Joined: 01.20.2009

Mar 23 @ 11:54 AM ET
ease of schedule?

Also, both sets of numbers come from the same site. The numbers in the graphs assume every game is a 50/50 chance of either team winning, the numbers dopps is posting are weighted based on points per game.

Ottawa has a game in hand, and is only 1 point back, so their points per game is higher.

Thing is, if Ottawa loses their next game, and Boston wins their's, it'll swing back the other way. And visa versa, it'll swing in Ottawa's favour even more. Right now the numbers for bubble teams are very volatile.

- Feeling Glucky?

yeah I guess
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Mar 23 @ 11:54 AM ET
ease of schedule?

Also, both sets of numbers come from the same site. The numbers in the graphs assume every game is a 50/50 chance of either team winning, the numbers dopps is posting are weighted based on points per game.

Ottawa has a game in hand, and is only 1 point back, so their points per game is higher.

Thing is, if Ottawa loses their next game, and Boston wins their's, it'll swing back the other way. And visa versa, it'll swing in Ottawa's favour even more. Right now the numbers for bubble teams are very volatile.

- Feeling Glucky?

they have 2 games in hand as of right now (1 game after tonight)
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Mar 23 @ 11:55 AM ET
I know that is what you are praying for so you can keep searching the internet for Leafs articles to post..but everything about the way the leafs operate has been changed now. You have not been paying attention..or you just chose to ignore the info you have been shown..
- senstroll

How many times have we all heard this before?
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 11:57 AM ET
they have 2 games in hand as of right now (1 game after tonight)
- sensarmy_11

close enough
Location: NS
Joined: 06.01.2009

Mar 23 @ 11:58 AM ET
close enough
- Feeling Glucky?

definitely close....but that 1 extra game probably makes a HUGE difference in the % change. if it was only 1 game, i expect they'd probably be within 10-15% of eachother, as opposed to a 30-40% difference.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Mar 23 @ 12:02 PM ET
I just fail to see how Ottawa could be at 65% based on games in hand alone.
- Pecafan Fan

It's based also on their up coming games, at home or away, and the opponents they're playing and contrasted with Boston's schedule and their opponents too.

It's explained here a bit.

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 12:02 PM ET
definitely close....but that 1 extra game probably makes a HUGE difference in the % change. if it was only 1 game, i expect they'd probably be within 10-15% of eachother, as opposed to a 30-40% difference.
- sensarmy_11

True. Like I said, the numbers are very volatile right now. Any win/loss has huge implications.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Mar 23 @ 12:05 PM ET
Did anyone notice that the leafs were NOT on HNIC on a Saturday night, for the first time since 1972?

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 12:09 PM ET
Did anyone notice that the leafs were NOT on HNIC on a Saturday night, for the first time since 1972?


- Doppleganger


I'm interested to see how this works into your theory of the League doing everything in it's power to make the Leafs the best team ever, because of the money the Leafs have, both of which somehow put the Leafs in a bad position.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Mar 23 @ 12:14 PM ET

I'm interested to see how this works into your theory of the League doing everything in it's power to make the Leafs the best team ever, because of the money the Leafs have, both of which somehow put the Leafs in a bad position.

- Feeling Glucky?

Now you're just being stupid, and making other leaf fans look stupid by association.

Since when did the NHL tell Rodgers where and when to broadcast NHL games?
That's so lame for you to try that kind of spin, it's laughable even.

Give it up, leaf fans have enough to be embarrassed about, without you making things worse.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Mar 23 @ 12:17 PM ET
Now you're just being stupid, and making other leaf fans look stupid by association.

Since when did the NHL tell Rodgers where and when to broadcast NHL games?
That's so lame for you to try that kind of spin, it's laughable even.

Give it up, leaf fans have enough to be embarrassed about, without you making things worse.

- Doppleganger

Interesting. I really thought it might work into this theory of yours:
What do you mean IF ?

The NHL has stepped in to rescue the leafs from themselves, starting with sending Shanahan in from head office to take over the team from the incompetent circus that has been running the team for the last decade. The NHL is going to Fix the lottery to allow the leafs to select first, and will also facilitate the move of Babcock from Detroit to toronto.

The NHL has had enough for the freakshow that the leaf have become and short of taking control of the team officially, they're pulling the strings behind the scene to bring the leaf back to at least a NHL calibre team.
- Doppleganger
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Mar 23 @ 12:26 PM ET
Interesting. I really thought it might work into this theory of yours:
- Feeling Glucky?

The NHL and Rodgers are separate entities. Where in my tongue in cheek, speculative theory, did I mention Rodgers?

Did not think anyone, besides the most gullible, would take me serious, but there's always the exception to the rule I guess.

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