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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Aug 29 @ 3:28 PM ET
I've got the book on Bernier. Shoot from the blueline.
- daeth

Defensive blueline no?


How long did it take to compile said book? Did you just find out about this particular player this past year?
Colorado Avalanche
Location: 43 points, ON
Joined: 09.15.2005

Aug 29 @ 4:28 PM ET
Defensive blueline no?


How long did it take to compile said book? Did you just find out about this particular player this past year?

- burn

And yes it took a year to compile this data.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Aug 29 @ 4:34 PM ET

And yes it took a year to compile this data.

- daeth

Bernier couldn't stop it cause it was de haan's first goal, he didn't have a book on him.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Aug 29 @ 5:06 PM ET

The Goalie Book: James Reimer

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Aug 29 @ 7:30 PM ET
Off topic: what are your thoughts on the events unfolding in ferguson?
- Feeling Glucky?

Oh you are so controlled by what the left wing progressive media feeds you eh?

Did they tell you about this murder?

And here's another one they did not spoon feed you

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: I'm r00ting for you™ - KS, ON
Joined: 05.06.2011

Aug 29 @ 8:15 PM ET
Oh you are so controlled by what the left wing progressive media feeds you eh?

Did they tell you about this murder?

And here's another one they did not spoon feed you


- Doppleganger

You make me (frank)ing sick.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Dude, I am so sorry about whatever made you like this. Take it easy.
Joined: 07.06.2007

Aug 29 @ 8:23 PM ET
You make me (frank)ing sick.
- A_Tree

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Aug 29 @ 9:30 PM ET
You make me (frank)ing sick.
- A_Tree

What's the matter, afraid to step out of your left wing progressive media controlled bubble????

There is lot more "news" than what Pete Mansbridge tells you there is.

Nice and comfortable in your little agenda driven world are we?
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Aug 31 @ 11:15 AM ET
Oh you are so controlled by what the left wing progressive media feeds you eh?

Did they tell you about this murder?

And here's another one they did not spoon feed you


- Doppleganger

So rather than saying its a terrible thing, or comment on the increased militarization of police forces... Your response is to point out how terrible black people are

And you wonder why people say you're racist.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Aug 31 @ 12:04 PM ET
So rather than saying its a terrible thing, or comment on the increased militarization of police forces... Your response is to point out how terrible black people are

And you wonder why people say you're racist.

- Feeling Glucky?

So rather than commenting on the goal-tending comparison, Your response is to bait me into commenting on the issue of increased militarization of police forces, and the unfortunate death of a young man being used in the media to fan the flames of "white guilt" and and anti police stereotypes.

And you then try and spin any response, no mater what it was, into accusing me of being racist.

I equate the deaths of all races under the unfortunate circumstances like those in Ferguson, no matter what the race of the person who pulled the trigger.............but it seems as though you put much more weight on the race of the victim and the trigger-puller...............so you're much more racist than I could ever be.

BTW, I just bet you're out there among those "demanding" a National inquiry on the so called (by the Left wing Progressive media) "National Tragedy" of the number of missing and or murdered aboriginal women too.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 1 @ 6:33 PM ET
So rather than commenting on the goal-tending comparison, Your response is to bait me into commenting on the issue of increased militarization of police forces, and the unfortunate death of a young man being used in the media to fan the flames of "white guilt" and and anti police stereotypes.

And you then try and spin any response, no mater what it was, into accusing me of being racist.

I equate the deaths of all races under the unfortunate circumstances like those in Ferguson, no matter what the race of the person who pulled the trigger.............but it seems as though you put much more weight on the race of the victim and the trigger-puller...............so you're much more racist than I could ever be.

BTW, I just bet you're out there among those "demanding" a National inquiry on the so called (by the Left wing Progressive media) "National Tragedy" of the number of missing and or murdered aboriginal women too.

- Doppleganger

Your goaltending arguments are so hilariously moronic that I didn't see the need to join in. I was just curious to see how off the wall your stance on what's happening in ferguson, and didn't want to join another dopps thread.

And if you'd answered in a way that wasn't blatantly racist... I wouldn't have called you racist. There's never any need to spin with you.

Ps- hard to take the "I don't see race" stance when you post an article about a black cop killing a white girl, from an ultra-con, borderline white power website... Which, btw, seems to have pulled said article.

Edit: I see the link's working now... And completely incomparable. Shocker.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Sep 2 @ 12:31 AM ET
Your goaltending arguments are so hilariously moronic that I didn't see the need to join in. I was just curious to see how off the wall your stance on what's happening in ferguson, and didn't want to join another dopps thread.

And if you'd answered in a way that wasn't blatantly racist... I wouldn't have called you racist. There's never any need to spin with you.

Ps- hard to take the "I don't see race" stance when you post an article about a black cop killing a white girl, from an ultra-con, borderline white power website... Which, btw, seems to have pulled said article.

Edit: I see the link's working now... And completely incomparable. Shocker.

- Feeling Glucky?

You are the one who always brings race into the conversation every opportunity you can, because that's the prism in which you see the world.

I do not.

I see you avoided the "National inquiry" question.............
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Dude, I am so sorry about whatever made you like this. Take it easy.
Joined: 07.06.2007

Sep 2 @ 12:42 AM ET
classic LEAFS vs SENS discussion
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Sep 2 @ 6:48 AM ET
classic LEAFS vs SENS discussion
- Crimsoninja

It was going along fine, talking about goaltenders, but then someone who can't stop themselves from interjecting their racist views on everyone else, brings up Ferguson.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 2 @ 7:14 AM ET
You are the one who always brings race into the conversation every opportunity you can, because that's the prism in which you see the world.

I do not.

I see you avoided the "National inquiry" question.............

- Doppleganger

Spin spin spin!

And of course I support helping a group that's suffering disproportionately.
That Aboriginal women are likely to be victims of violence is not news: Aboriginal women aged 25 to 44 are five times more likely to suffer a violent death than other women in Canada. Amnesty International (Stolen Sisters, 2004 and No More Stolen Sisters, 2009) and the Native Women’s Association of Canada (Voices of our Sisters In Spirit, 2009 and What Their Stories Tell Us, 2010) have documented more than 500 cases of Aboriginal women who have gone missing or been murdered since the 1960s. Half of the cases have never been solved.

Some of us have this thing called compassion.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Sep 2 @ 7:32 AM ET
Spin spin spin!

And of course I support helping a group that's suffering disproportionately.

Some of us have this thing called compassion.

- Feeling Glucky?

Please explain how a National Inquiry on this matter, is going to help any of the victims, their families of prevent anything similar in the the future?

Some of us have this thing called Logic.

Also explain "suffering disproportionately"...........disproportionately to what other group?
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Sep 2 @ 9:08 AM ET
Please explain how a National Inquiry on this matter, is going to help any of the victims, their families of prevent anything similar in the the future?

Some of us have this thing called Logic.

Also explain "suffering disproportionately"...........disproportionately to what other group?

- Doppleganger

Do you really have to ask how studying a problem can help solve it?

"Having" logic is pretty useless if you don't use it.

and maybe you missed this part the first time around:

That Aboriginal women are likely to be victims of violence is not news: Aboriginal women aged 25 to 44 are five times more likely to suffer a violent death than other women in Canada
Location: New Fan, Needs to watch Ballet, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Sep 2 @ 10:26 AM ET
I vote for the leafs
Cape Breton Bruins
Boston Bruins
Location: long friend time friend, AB
Joined: 11.26.2008

Sep 2 @ 10:39 AM ET
I vote for the leafs
- senstroll

*adds to official tally*

Leafs 2
Sens 1
Aboriginal women 2
Global warming yay 10,351
Global warming nay 1
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Sep 2 @ 10:49 AM ET
Do you really have to ask how studying a problem can help solve it?

"Having" logic is pretty useless if you don't use it.

and maybe you missed this part the first time around:

- Feeling Glucky?

So you're only in favour of spending Millions of tax dollars for a national inquiry into the missing and murdered Aboriginal Women...............when we already have a very good idea why they are disproportionately more likely to be victims than Non aboriginal women.

Why not include aboriginal Men in the inquiry? They are much more likely to victims of murder than aboriginal women, almost twice as likely...........are you a sexist in addition to being a racist?

Who would be called on to give testimony?

Is there a cover up?

What are the unanswered questions?

Is there a conspiracy?
Cape Breton Bruins
Boston Bruins
Location: long friend time friend, AB
Joined: 11.26.2008

Sep 2 @ 10:52 AM ET
So you're only in favour of spending Millions of tax dollars for a national inquiry into the missing and murdered Aboriginal Women...............when we already have a very good idea why they are disproportionately more likely to be victims than Non aboriginal women.

Why not include aboriginal Men in the inquiry? They are much more likely to victims of murder than aboriginal women, almost twice as likely...........are you a sexist in addition to being a racist?

Who would be called on to give testimony?

Is there a cover up?

What are the unanswered questions?

Is there a conspiracy?

- Doppleganger

There isn't enough tin foil in Canada to handle this discussion.
Pecafan Fan
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Pacioretty, c'est mou comme d'la marde - Gilbert Delorme
Joined: 01.20.2009

Sep 2 @ 10:52 AM ET
There isn't enough tin foil in Canada to handle this discussion.
- Cape Breton Bruins

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Sep 2 @ 11:04 AM ET
There isn't enough tin foil in Canada to handle this discussion.
- Cape Breton Bruins

People are clamouring to throw tax-dollars at a perceived National crisis ( as the left wing progressive media is telling them ) in order to feel like they've done something good.................when ALL the facts point to a twenty year decline in the number of Aboriginal women being victims of murder, or being classified as being missing.

There are MORE aboriginal men being murdered (than aboriginal women) today, but there is no mention of this fact in the left wing progressive media............as it seems aboriginal women if the current flavour of the day..............for the sheeple to lap up as the truth.

We already have the data from the police that point to the most likely causes of murders in the aboriginal community, of aboriginal women, and the Police success rate of solving these murders in about 90%.............this compares almost exactly to success rate of solving the murders of non aboriginal women.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not quite my tempo
Joined: 02.26.2007

Sep 2 @ 11:15 AM ET
People are clamouring to throw tax-dollars at a perceived National crisis ( as the left wing progressive media is telling them ) in order to feel like they've done something good.................when ALL the facts point to a twenty year decline in the number of Aboriginal women being victims of murder, or being classified as being missing.

There are MORE aboriginal men being murdered (than aboriginal women) today, but there is no mention of this fact in the left wing progressive media............as it seems aboriginal women if the current flavour of the day..............for the sheeple to lap up as the truth.

We already have the data from the police that point to the most likely causes of murders in the aboriginal community, of aboriginal women, and the Police success rate of solving these murders in about 90%.............this compares almost exactly to success rate of solving the murders of non aboriginal women.

- Doppleganger

ok lowell
Cape Breton Bruins
Boston Bruins
Location: long friend time friend, AB
Joined: 11.26.2008

Sep 2 @ 11:26 AM ET
People are clamouring to throw tax-dollars at a perceived National crisis ( as the left wing progressive media is telling them ) in order to feel like they've done something good.................when ALL the facts point to a twenty year decline in the number of Aboriginal women being victims of murder, or being classified as being missing.

There are MORE aboriginal men being murdered (than aboriginal women) today, but there is no mention of this fact in the left wing progressive media............as it seems aboriginal women if the current flavour of the day..............for the sheeple to lap up as the truth.

We already have the data from the police that point to the most likely causes of murders in the aboriginal community, of aboriginal women, and the Police success rate of solving these murders in about 90%.............this compares almost exactly to success rate of solving the murders of non aboriginal women.

- Doppleganger

The violent crime rate in Canada has been in sharp decline the past 4 years.
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