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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Oct 11 @ 11:28 AM ET
You guys are pretty feeble this morning.

Time to bring in some imports to support your flank.

We all miss Prock. At least he placed his perspective within a solid hockey base.

- spatso

i'm not sure why prock ever humored you with hockey talk.

i guess he thought maybe you would learn something. he was way off base if that was the case.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Oct 11 @ 11:35 AM ET
You guys are pretty feeble this morning.

Time to bring in some imports to support your flank.

We all miss Prock. At least he placed his perspective within a solid hockey base.

- spatso

How long until your coach's act wears thin, the aging, overpaid team tunes him out, and he is fired?

Do you think it is more or less likely than Karlsson signing with another team.

Oh, and could you roll over and wake up Dopps, he has some searching to do for that quote where I indicated anything even remotely close to planning the parade.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Oct 11 @ 11:37 AM ET
Idle speculation. Need to see what happens as teams tighten up over next few weeks. Leafs have had great 3 game start. Parade markers are already being set out. I don't think you are going to see a collapse this year. More likely we will see the collar tighten when better defenses begin to kick in. No precipitous drop off. More like a quiet choking off of the oxygen.
- spatso

preseason games matter, but the results of the first 3 regular season games are just idle speculation.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Oct 11 @ 11:37 AM ET
You are not going to see sell outs in Ottawa until Melnyk is gone. He is hated by the media, fans and the business community.

People have no difficulty in distinguishing between the owner and the team.

$20 to park in a farm field. Guys a punk.

- spatso

No. The reason Ottawa doesn't sellout is because the fans don't care about the team. They're not gonna waste their money on a subpar product that bores the living poop outta them.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Oct 11 @ 11:37 AM ET
I think you need to look at just how strongly the Sens are dealing with the short term problem of having to start the season without the planet's very best Dman in the line up. We are very pleased. We are especially pleased by all the young guys stepping up. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Leaf fans saying same things they have always said. Sens fans knowing the real conversation starts in December. This year the Leafs will be part of the discussion. But they will lose a game before the season is over.

- spatso

Doughty plays for the Kings.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Oct 11 @ 11:38 AM ET
take it easy on these leaf fans ......... they've been suffering for over fifty years, with not even an appearance in the Finals.

They're in unfamiliar territory, and don't know how to act "like they've been there before" ........ so give them some slack, let them make fools of themselves, as history has shown that early season success has been short lived for them, and they are grasping at what they can get.

Senator fans have been spoiled with success the Sens have enjoyed recently, and know that getting your jollies in the first month of the season is not where it's at.

Sit back, read and laugh at their gleeful gushing, as this may be short lived.


There's only 2 people in this thread making fools of themselves.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Oct 11 @ 11:39 AM ET
Doughty plays for the Kings.
- GreatGigInTheSky

And Burns on the Sharks.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Oct 11 @ 11:40 AM ET
And Burns on the Sharks.
- Feeling Glucky?

and laine plays on the sens

am i doing this right?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Oct 11 @ 11:42 AM ET
Sens have solid prospects. Leafs not so much.

Funny how Leaf fans fail to grasp how Sens have done just fine in having to start without the world's best Dman in line up.

Also, ignore how well Phaneuf has had to fill leadership gap.

- spatso

Hilarious. Everything you say is incorrect.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Oct 11 @ 11:42 AM ET
This is pretty dumb. Canucks are not basement dwellers. Actually have had good start beating the Oilers and taking a point from the Sens.

I actually thought the Canucks looked pretty good. Lots of speed through the neutral zone.

- spatso

the team with 0 ROW?

Not exactly a badge of honour.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Oct 11 @ 11:44 AM ET
Stupid me. I actually thought the Sens could win a game in regulation.

Cost me $380 on Proline.

Chicago, St Louis, Vegas and Ottawa.

- walshyleafsfan

Damn. That's unfortunate. I won mine last night. I did the smart thing and bet against the Habs.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Oct 11 @ 11:44 AM ET

Hilarious. Everything you say is incorrect.

- GreatGigInTheSky

after hiding from those losses, he had a whole lotta dumb pent up, and is letting it out now.
Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Oct 11 @ 11:45 AM ET
How long until your coach's act wears thin, the aging, overpaid team tunes him out, and he is fired?

Do you think it is more or less likely than Karlsson signing with another team.

Oh, and could you roll over and wake up Dopps, he has some searching to do for that quote where I indicated anything even remotely close to planning the parade.

- Aetherial

So funny.

Average Age NHL Team Players (NHL Numbers)

11. Ottawa 27.566 yrs
12. Toronto 27.588 yrs

This is the kind of thing that makes the Leafs and Leaf fans a huge joke among all the other fans and teams. You just make stuff up and believe it because you want to believe it.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Oct 11 @ 11:48 AM ET
So funny.

Average Age NHL Team Players (NHL Numbers)

11. Ottawa 27.566 yrs
12. Toronto 27.588 yrs

- spatso

yeah, but our old guys aren't our core players

I am also not sure who is included in those numbers.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Oct 11 @ 11:49 AM ET
So funny.

Average Age NHL Team Players (NHL Numbers)

11. Ottawa 27.566 yrs
12. Toronto 27.588 yrs

- spatso

you're dumber than i thought.
Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Oct 11 @ 11:49 AM ET
yeah, but our old guys aren't our core players
- Aetherial

Whatever, just more Leaf BS.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Oct 11 @ 11:51 AM ET
I think you need to look at just how strongly the Sens are dealing with the short term problem of having to start the season without the planet's very best Dman in the line up. We are very pleased. We are especially pleased by all the young guys stepping up. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Leaf fans saying same things they have always said. Sens fans knowing the real conversation starts in December. This year the Leafs will be part of the discussion. But they will lose a game before the season is over.

- spatso

Funny how at first it was the preseason where games that mattered started, but once Ottawa lost almost every preseason game it changed to the start of the regular season where games started to matter.

And now that the Sens are sucking Richard to start the season and the Leafs are playing very well, December is when games start to count?

I wonder when games will start to matter after your December deadline passes, if the Sens are still blowing chunks. February?
Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Oct 11 @ 11:51 AM ET

you're dumber than i thought.

- Tumbleweed

Typical. When faced with statistical precision, resort to personal insult. Slick.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Oct 11 @ 11:51 AM ET
Whatever, just more Leaf BS.
- spatso

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Oct 11 @ 11:52 AM ET
Typical. When faced with statistical precision, resort to personal insult. Slick.
- spatso

you think those #'s are precise and accurate reflection of the rosters

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Has anyone discussed the standings today?
Joined: 06.30.2006

Oct 11 @ 11:52 AM ET
Whatever, just more Leaf BS.
- spatso

So, nothing?
Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Oct 11 @ 11:56 AM ET
Funny how at first it was the preseason where games that mattered started, but once Ottawa lost almost every preseason game it changed to the start of the regular season where games started to matter.

And now that the Sens are sucking Richard to start the season and the Leafs are playing very well, December is when games start to count?

I wonder when games will start to matter after your December deadline passes, if the Sens are still blowing chunks. February?

- GreatGigInTheSky

I think there may be a genuine disagreement (misunderstanding). I love hockey. I enjoy watching hockey games. I especially like the young players breaking into the league. I love the preseason because of that. I love to watch the rookie camps and how they perform against each other.

In terms of the regular season all the games are important. I don't dispute that in any way. My dispute was with the guys who said preseason did not matter and was not of interest to anyone.
Ottawa Senators
Location: jensen beach, FL
Joined: 02.19.2007

Oct 11 @ 11:59 AM ET
you think those #'s are precise and accurate reflection of the rosters

- Tumbleweed

I looked at the Sens roster and it had everyone on it except for Jaros.

Did not look at Leafs roster but I assume that NHL Number is pretty precise.

This is a fairly typical conversation. For some reason Leaf fans just enter into denial when confronted with facts they don't want to believe.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: avid reader of the daily douche news
Joined: 03.14.2014

Oct 11 @ 12:01 PM ET
I looked at the Sens roster and it had everyone on it except for Jaros.

Did not look at Leafs roster but I assume that NHL Number is pretty precise.

This is a fairly typical conversation. For some reason Leaf fans just enter into denial when confronted with facts they don't want to believe.

- spatso

just stop and accept you're too stupid to get it.

i am genuinely starting to feel bad for you.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I really don't care about Nylander, I really hope he gets injured and is out - Makita
Joined: 07.14.2011

Oct 11 @ 12:02 PM ET

you're dumber than i thought.

- Tumbleweed

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