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Forums :: NHL Talk :: WHO is in a better situation: LEAFS or SENS?
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Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 2 @ 10:35 AM ET
Cue Dopps asking the same question verbatim until you answer him
- Morris

Don't you have some more snow to shovel?

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 2 @ 10:44 AM ET
No, to show you, and others here, that what was said earlier, no longer carries any water.

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET

I'll bet the leafs wished they had some games in hand over the Blue Jackets right about now.

January 31 @ 10:19 AM ET

Well the the leafs did not earn many points in March, so "more games played" did not end up being the advantage you assumed.

January 31 @ 4:31 PM ET

Well the leafs had the higher P% on March 14th, so how much of a "benefit of the doubt" did you give the leafs now that they have " fewer games remaining, as they have less time to regress" ?

- Doppleganger

I like how you highlite HALF of what I said.... because the "when looking at PTS%" isn't part(most important) of the the comment?

You're not even hiding your ignorance and stupidity anymore.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 2 @ 10:48 AM ET
No, to show you, and others here, that what was said earlier, no longer carries any water.

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET

I'll bet the leafs wished they had some games in hand over the Blue Jackets right about now.

January 31 @ 10:19 AM ET

Well the the leafs did not earn many points in March, so "more games played" did not end up being the advantage you assumed.

January 31 @ 4:31 PM ET

Well the leafs had the higher P% on March 14th, so how much of a "benefit of the doubt" did you give the leafs now that they have " fewer games remaining, as they have less time to regress" ?

- Doppleganger

How do you plan on doing that??? Certainly this regurgitation isn't the prove you speak of.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Hall looks disengaged, NS
Joined: 07.18.2007

Apr 2 @ 10:51 AM ET
Don't you have some more snow to shovel?
- Doppleganger

No, and that sort of pisses me off. Our commie tax dollars apparently go towards sidewalk plowing which I didn't ask for, and maybe through sheer coincidence but I've noticed a corresponding dip in the quality of street plowing.

Why the hell would a city add sidewalk plowing to its workload if it can barely handle the street plowing?

That, and the city's winter parking ban makes no sense, and public transit sucks.

I'm ready for winter to be over.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 2 @ 11:03 AM ET
How do you plan on doing that??? Certainly this regurgitation isn't the prove you speak of.
- burn

Look, I know you're embarrassed that when I shed some more light on this matter, you realized that you had not considered the whole picture.

The Sport Networks don't post standings (during their broadcasts) based on P%, they show points, and games remaining aka "games in hand".

If I posted the standings here, based on P%, it does not tell the complete story. All it does is how each teams record to this point in the season, irregardless of how games each team has played, or have remaining. P% shows a teams trend to this point in the season so far.

But the closer you come to the end of the season, games in hand become a much more critical factor in each team's playoff aspirations..........that's why Sports networks, Sportswriters all start to include games remaining/game in hand in their reports.

If you've not noticed this in the past few weeks, then your only point here is to desperately try to save face, and cannot or will not concede that you may have overlooked something, and that a Senator's fan might have a point after all.............and how could you lower yourself to that eh?

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 2 @ 11:06 AM ET
No, and that sort of pisses me off. Our commie tax dollars apparently go towards sidewalk plowing which I didn't ask for, and maybe through sheer coincidence but I've noticed a corresponding dip in the quality of street plowing.

Why the hell would a city add sidewalk plowing to its workload if it can barely handle the street plowing?

That, and the city's winter parking ban makes no sense, and public transit sucks.

I'm ready for winter to be over.

- Morris

Hey, just be glad you don't have any bike lanes, as they at the top of the totem pole here in Ottawa when it comes to snow removal. Then comes bus lanes, and maybe a day later the residential streets.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 2 @ 11:31 AM ET
Look, I know you're embarrassed that when I shed some more light on this matter, you realized that you had not considered the whole picture.

The Sport Networks don't post standings (during their broadcasts) based on P%, they show points, and games remaining aka "games in hand".

If I posted the standings here, based on P%, it does not tell the complete story. All it does is how each teams record to this point in the season, irregardless of how games each team has played, or have remaining. P% shows a teams trend to this point in the season so far.

But the closer you come to the end of the season, games in hand become a much more critical factor in each team's playoff aspirations..........that's why Sports networks, Sportswriters all start to include games remaining/game in hand in their reports.

If you've not noticed this in the past few weeks, then your only point here is to desperately try to save face, and cannot or will not concede that you may have overlooked something, and that a Senator's fan might have a point after all.............and how could you lower yourself to that eh?

- Doppleganger

Embarassed??? No, who on earth would someone be embarrassed to be correct (Only thing I should be embarrassed about is wasting this much time on this subject with someone who is willfully ignorant/blatantly disregarding key/main point to try and dig himself out of the dung heap he's created.)?? whole picture?? What the hell does that mean??

You clearly do not understand what a % is. A % is a mathematical equation that allows you to compare amounts (such as points) when the 2 things in comparison are not equal (such as games). It levels the playing field. Pointing out PTS% and then mentioning games in hand is mathematically useless as the % has already taken the games in hand into consideration.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 2 @ 11:32 AM ET
Look, I know you're embarrassed that when I shed some more light on this matter, you realized that you had not considered the whole picture.

The Sport Networks don't post standings (during their broadcasts) based on P%, they show points, and games remaining aka "games in hand".

If I posted the standings here, based on P%, it does not tell the complete story. All it does is how each teams record to this point in the season, irregardless of how games each team has played, or have remaining. P% shows a teams trend to this point in the season so far.

But the closer you come to the end of the season, games in hand become a much more critical factor in each team's playoff aspirations..........that's why Sports networks, Sportswriters all start to include games remaining/game in hand in their reports.

If you've not noticed this in the past few weeks, then your only point here is to desperately try to save face, and cannot or will not concede that you may have overlooked something, and that a Senator's fan might have a point after all.............and how could you lower yourself to that eh?

- Doppleganger

Also why NONE of them use PT%. Which is what EVERYONE is trying to tell you.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 2 @ 11:36 AM ET
Look, I know you're embarrassed that when I shed some more light on this matter, you realized that you had not considered the whole picture.

The Sport Networks don't post standings (during their broadcasts) based on P%, they show points, and games remaining aka "games in hand".

If I posted the standings here, based on P%, it does not tell the complete story. All it does is how each teams record to this point in the season, irregardless of how games each team has played, or have remaining. P% shows a teams trend to this point in the season so far.

But the closer you come to the end of the season, games in hand become a much more critical factor in each team's playoff aspirations..........that's why Sports networks, Sportswriters all start to include games remaining/game in hand in their reports.

If you've not noticed this in the past few weeks, then your only point here is to desperately try to save face, and cannot or will not concede that you may have overlooked something, and that a Senator's fan might have a point after all.............and how could you lower yourself to that eh?

- Doppleganger

I have nothing to concede.... I''ve overlooked nothing....You have no point.

How could someone be so wrong, have the facts thrown in their face time and time again and yet still have this much arrogance. unfathomable.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 3 @ 10:39 AM ET
Embarassed??? No, who on earth would someone be embarrassed to be correct (Only thing I should be embarrassed about is wasting this much time on this subject with someone who is willfully ignorant/blatantly disregarding key/main point to try and dig himself out of the dung heap he's created.)?? whole picture?? What the hell does that mean??

You clearly do not understand what a % is. A % is a mathematical equation that allows you to compare amounts (such as points) when the 2 things in comparison are not equal (such as games). It levels the playing field. Pointing out PTS% and then mentioning games in hand is mathematically useless as the % has already taken the games in hand into consideration.

- burn

Do you have to take things out of context to make yourself seem correct in your own eyes????

Let's go back to the beginning, when you got your knickers in a knot.

I posted standings, of teams in a race for the wildcard playoff spots in the eastern conference...........using P% to rank them, to illustrate that the leafs were not as free and clear as some leaf fans thought they were when they focused only on the points standings.

January 31 @ 9:39 AM ET
I agree. The wildcard spots in the east are far from secured by the current holders of them. The "points" system kinda gives a false impression to low information fans.

You may not agree with my opinion, and that's your right, but the leafs and Habs are not as secure in their current seed either.

If you look strictly at each team's record to this point in the season, there is going to be a lot of playoff seed swapping right down to the last games of the season.

Montreal .583
toronto .571
Rangers .555
Carolina .538
Detroit .538
Columbus .537
Ottawa .537
Philadelphia .527
Washington .519
New Jersey .518

Detroit has 3 games in hand, on the leafs, Ottawa & Montreal have 2 games in hand (on the leafs) so I see at least three of those four teams still in the race to secure an Atlantic division playoff seed, with the others competing for a wild-card spot, along.
with the teams from the Metro. division who don't nail down a spot in their division.

So 10 teams in the race for 4 playoff spots.

I don't see the Saturday game between the leafs and Senators as interesting as you do............I see the Back to Back games between the Capitals and Red Wings as more interesting, as two wins for the Red Wings would move them closer to the top of the pack of the above ten teams and potentially knocking the Capitals out of the race in the short term.

- Doppleganger

If you recall, I've been doing this for years now, in fact I may have brought P% to the attention of those who may have never considered it.

I also listed the "games in hand" these teams had on the leafs, to further illustrate the point I was trying to convey, because P% accounts for games played to date, and in the context of a race for a playoff spot, games in hand/games remaining are a critical part of the equation, and looking only at P% alone, you can't possibly know exactly how many games have been played, and how many each team has left to play

It's pretty simple for most people to understand the point I was making, but you've chosen to make something completely different out of this, perhaps the point simply went over your hard head.

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET
Games in had are irrelevant if looking at pts%.
- burn

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET
So you can tell, just by looking at Points Percentage, how many games each team has played?
And you don't see it as an advantage for teams with games in hand, to gain ground on the team(s) they are chasing?

- Doppleganger

January 31 @ 10:22 AM ET
it doesn't matter how many they played if looking at %. That's the whole point of a %, to level the playing field.
- burn

January 31 @ 10:24 AM ET
Looking only at points percentage, shows a teams record to that point in the season, regardless on how many games teams have played

Anaheim has a .759 P%

Chicago has a .705 P%

Are you telling me, looking ONLY at P% in the above example (without sneaking a peak at nhl.com), if one of those teams have played more games than the other? NO you can't.

- Doppleganger

January 31 @ 10:28 AM ET
It doesn't matter if you are looking at %. Totally irrelevant.
- burn

It was clear, way back in January, that you totally missed the point I was try to make, and I tried time and time again to point that out to you.

As it turns out, ALL the teams that had games in hand, used them to their advantage to gain ground on the leafs, who did not maintain their P% pace, from that point of the season.

When a team loses eight games in regulation in row, then teams with games in hand, have a much easier time to gain ground and pass teams they are chasing, exactly like what has happened with the leafs and the teams that used to behind them.

If you don't understand the point I was try to make then, after this little review, then you'll never get it.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 12:11 PM ET
Do you have to take things out of context to make yourself seem correct in your own eyes????

Let's go back to the beginning, when you got your knickers in a knot.

I posted standings, of teams in a race for the wildcard playoff spots in the eastern conference...........using P% to rank them, to illustrate that the leafs were not as free and clear as some leaf fans thought they were when they focused only on the points standings.

January 31 @ 9:39 AM ET

If you recall, I've been doing this for years now, in fact I may have brought P% to the attention of those who may have never considered it.

I also listed the "games in hand" these teams had on the leafs, to further illustrate the point I was trying to convey, because P% accounts for games played to date, and in the context of a race for a playoff spot, games in hand/games remaining are a critical part of the equation, and looking only at P% alone, you can't possibly know exactly how many games have been played, and how many each team has left to play

It's pretty simple for most people to understand the point I was making, but you've chosen to make something completely different out of this, perhaps the point simply went over your hard head.

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:22 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:24 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:28 AM ET

It was clear, way back in January, that you totally missed the point I was try to make, and I tried time and time again to point that out to you.

As it turns out, ALL the teams that had games in hand, used them to their advantage to gain ground on the leafs, who did not maintain their P% pace, from that point of the season.

When a team loses eight games in regulation in row, then teams with games in hand, have a much easier time to gain ground and pass teams they are chasing, exactly like what has happened with the leafs and the teams that used to behind them.

If you don't understand the point I was try to make then, after this little review, then you'll never get it.

- Doppleganger

your point back in january was flawed as looking at PTS% & games in hand is mathematically incorrect.

No one said that games in hand doesn't matter at all, only that when looking at PTS% games in hand doesn't matter because the "%" has already taken that into account.

It's clear from the beginning that you have now clue what a % is or how it works.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 12:21 PM ET

I also listed the "games in hand" these teams had on the leafs, to further illustrate the point I was trying to convey, because P% accounts for games played to date, and in the context of a race for a playoff spot, games in hand/games remaining are a critical part of the equation, and looking only at P% alone, you can't possibly know exactly how many games have been played, and how many each team has left to play

- Doppleganger

You see.... this right here is what people were trying to tell you.... you just dont get it. This paragraph is incredibly false and a glaring example of your ineptitude. If you are looking at a % there is no need to look at the number of remaining games.... Those games differential you are trying to highlight are already factored into the %.... that's what a % is. This is the exact thing EVERYONE in this thread has told you you are wrong about.

If you are looking at a % the games played/games remaining is irrelevant because all teams being compared are on an even level due to the %. The % has made each comparable equal so as to be compared.

Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Apr 3 @ 12:26 PM ET
Dopps, I'm curious how you juggle this intense schedule of BSing with your incredible real-world life. Must be quite draining.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Windsor Area, ON
Joined: 08.23.2006

Apr 3 @ 12:51 PM ET
Do you have to take things out of context to make yourself seem correct in your own eyes????

Let's go back to the beginning, when you got your knickers in a knot.

I posted standings, of teams in a race for the wildcard playoff spots in the eastern conference...........using P% to rank them, to illustrate that the leafs were not as free and clear as some leaf fans thought they were when they focused only on the points standings.

January 31 @ 9:39 AM ET

If you recall, I've been doing this for years now, in fact I may have brought P% to the attention of those who may have never considered it.

I also listed the "games in hand" these teams had on the leafs, to further illustrate the point I was trying to convey, because P% accounts for games played to date, and in the context of a race for a playoff spot, games in hand/games remaining are a critical part of the equation, and looking only at P% alone, you can't possibly know exactly how many games have been played, and how many each team has left to play

It's pretty simple for most people to understand the point I was making, but you've chosen to make something completely different out of this, perhaps the point simply went over your hard head.

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:17 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:22 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:24 AM ET

January 31 @ 10:28 AM ET

It was clear, way back in January, that you totally missed the point I was try to make, and I tried time and time again to point that out to you.

As it turns out, ALL the teams that had games in hand, used them to their advantage to gain ground on the leafs, who did not maintain their P% pace, from that point of the season.

When a team loses eight games in regulation in row, then teams with games in hand, have a much easier time to gain ground and pass teams they are chasing, exactly like what has happened with the leafs and the teams that used to behind them.

If you don't understand the point I was try to make then, after this little review, then you'll never get it.

- Doppleganger

i have an honest question... do u work? seems like you invest alot of time in a hockey forum researching posts to make a point and revive old threads
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 3 @ 3:50 PM ET
your point back in january was flawed as looking at PTS% & games in hand is mathematically incorrect.

No one said that games in hand doesn't matter at all, only that when looking at PTS% games in hand doesn't matter because the "%" has already taken that into account.

It's clear from the beginning that you have now clue what a % is or how it works.

- burn

One last time.
I ranked the teams using P%, and showed which teams had games in hand on the leafs, pointing out that these teams would have the opportunity to improve their P%, when they had played these games in hand.

Point one. Points percentages are calculated on games played only to date. Looking at that stat alone does not tell you how many games that team has played, or has left to play.

Point two. Yes there were many posters, who said it did not matter how many games in hand the other teams had when compared to the leafs.

January 31 @ 4:54 PM ET
I'd take the team with the higher point percentage. Again, assuming the same level competition.
- Feeling Glucky?

January 31 @ 5:04 PM ET
And assuming the team with the lower P% had no games in hand?
- Doppleganger

January 31 @ 5:06 PM ET
No. Doesn't really matter.
- Feeling Glucky?

Was he assuming the leaf and those other teams were going to remain playing at the exact same P% rate for the remainder of the season?

Did he think that teams with games in hand do not see that playing these extra games (between then and the end of the season) gave them a chance to pick up ground of the leafs, because they did not have the same opportunity?

Ranking teams at any point in season, with P%, is one thing. BUT when looking ahead (games yet to be played) to the end of the season is another thing, because teams with games in hand,chasing down another team (who has played more games) have more chances to gain points on that team.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?

The Blue Jackets Magic Number is 10.
leafs chances of making the playoffs 6.9%
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:03 PM ET
One last time.
I ranked the teams using P%, and showed which teams had games in hand on the leafs, pointing out that these teams would have the opportunity to improve their P%, when they had played these games in hand.

Point one. Points percentages are calculated on games played only to date. Looking at that stat alone does not tell you how many games that team has played, or has left to play.

Point two. Yes there were many posters, who said it did not matter how many games in hand the other teams had when compared to the leafs.

January 31 @ 4:54 PM ET

January 31 @ 5:04 PM ET

January 31 @ 5:06 PM ET

Was he assuming the leaf and those other teams were going to remain playing at the exact same P% rate for the remainder of the season?

Did he think that teams with games in hand do not see that playing these extra games (between then and the end of the season) gave them a chance to pick up ground of the leafs, because they did not have the same opportunity?

Ranking teams at any point in season, with P%, is one thing. BUT when looking ahead (games yet to be played) to the end of the season is another thing, because teams with games in hand,chasing down another team (who has played more games) have more chances to gain points on that team.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?

The Blue Jackets Magic Number is 10.
leafs chances of making the playoffs 6.9%

- Doppleganger

Clearly the understanding of percentage escapes you. (Bolded& underlined)
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:03 PM ET
i have an honest question... do u work? seems like you invest alot of time in a hockey forum researching posts to make a point and revive old threads
- nightmare3020

If you have a good memory, it's easy to remember previous discussions. It is extremely easy to find the old threads, when something is posted today that confirms of contradicts something posted earlier. Plus it does not take much of my time, as I have a full and active schedule on most days. I spend as much time as need here.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:06 PM ET
One last time.
I ranked the teams using P%, and showed which teams had games in hand on the leafs, pointing out that these teams would have the opportunity to improve their P%, when they had played these games in hand.

Point one. Points percentages are calculated on games played only to date. Looking at that stat alone does not tell you how many games that team has played, or has left to play.

Point two. Yes there were many posters, who said it did not matter how many games in hand the other teams had when compared to the leafs.

January 31 @ 4:54 PM ET

January 31 @ 5:04 PM ET

January 31 @ 5:06 PM ET

Was he assuming the leaf and those other teams were going to remain playing at the exact same P% rate for the remainder of the season?

Did he think that teams with games in hand do not see that playing these extra games (between then and the end of the season) gave them a chance to pick up ground of the leafs, because they did not have the same opportunity?

Ranking teams at any point in season, with P%, is one thing. BUT when looking ahead (games yet to be played) to the end of the season is another thing, because teams with games in hand,chasing down another team (who has played more games) have more chances to gain points on that team.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?

The Blue Jackets Magic Number is 10.
leafs chances of making the playoffs 6.9%

- Doppleganger

Clearly the understanding of percentage escapes you. (bolded and underlined)
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:08 PM ET
Clearly the understanding of percentage escapes you.
- burn

Clearly my point of linking a teams record, and the remaining number of games in a season, and how the playoff races are going to shape up, when I made this point back in January escaped you............and continues to even though I explained it in a way a five year old could.

You're just trying to make another point to prove something that does not relate to the original post I made, and re-posted here in an attempt to make you understand my point.

You don't want to.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:19 PM ET
Clearly my point of linking a teams record, and the remaining number of games in a season, and how the playoff races are going to shape up, when I made this point back in January escaped you............and continues to even though I explained it in a way a five year old could.

You're just trying to make another point to prove something that does not relate to the original post I made, and re-posted here in an attempt to make you understand my point.

You don't want to.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?

- Doppleganger

A five year old would understand they are wrong by now.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:20 PM ET
Clearly my point of linking a teams record, and the remaining number of games in a season, and how the playoff races are going to shape up, when I made this point back in January escaped you............and continues to even though I explained it in a way a five year old could.

You're just trying to make another point to prove something that does not relate to the original post I made, and re-posted here in an attempt to make you understand my point.

You don't want to.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?

- Doppleganger

No. You're original post was PTS%+ games remaining which is mathematically false.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 3 @ 4:25 PM ET
Clearly my point of linking a teams record, and the remaining number of games in a season, and how the playoff races are going to shape up, when I made this point back in January escaped you............and continues to even though I explained it in a way a five year old could.

You're just trying to make another point to prove something that does not relate to the original post I made, and re-posted here in an attempt to make you understand my point.

You don't want to.

Columbus has a one point lead (and the tie breaker) on the leafs, and have two more games to play than the leafs do, because of the way the schedule falls this season.

Would the leafs chances of catching the Blue Jackets improve if they had more than the five games they have remaining in the season?

- Doppleganger

This last part has nothing to do with your original post about PTS%+games remaining.

No one is disagreeing that games in hand aren't valuable..... what you are failing to understand for ages now is that while looking at PTS% (you brought it up) it is mathematically incorrect to address games in hand (you added to PTS%) as the % has accounted for that differential in games.
Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 4 @ 9:34 AM ET
No. You're original post was PTS%+ games remaining which is mathematically false.
- burn

Ottawa Senators
Location: Reality
Joined: 08.25.2006

Apr 4 @ 9:34 AM ET
This last part has nothing to do with your original post about PTS%+games remaining.

No one is disagreeing that games in hand aren't valuable..... what you are failing to understand for ages now is that while looking at PTS% (you brought it up) it is mathematically incorrect to address games in hand (you added to PTS%) as the % has accounted for that differential in games.

- burn

quote the post you're talking about.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tavares is sledge hockey level - Islesrbettr, ON
Joined: 08.02.2006

Apr 4 @ 9:57 AM ET
quote the post you're talking about.
- Doppleganger

How's this??

I'll ask you the same question

If team "A" has a .500 P%, and team "B" has a .591 P%................it does not tell you the whole story.

One of these teams may have game(s) in hand, and you also don't know the points difference, if any.

That's why, going back to the example of placing a bet, you'd want to know a lot more than just P%.

What is the chances of the team with .500P% of catching the one with the higher P%?

- Doppleganger

Well I think is possible that the team with a .500 P% can catch the team with the .591 P%.

In fact this situation actually exists today, and there is a lot of season left.

BUT, that's not the point.

ou just can't look and P% and make an informative call on this particular example, without knowing games played, games in hand for one team or the other, and of course the points difference at this point in the season.

- Doppleganger
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