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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.22.2008

Feb 19 @ 3:36 PM ET
Watch again.

Tipp was pretty much directly responsible for the Hischier breakaway. York pinched in and Tipp was so focused on camping at the top of the circles to receive a pass that he didn't rotate back to cover the point. TK also was doing god knows what on that play double pinching.

On the Smith goal he was puck watching and failed to switch off with York down low, opening up a clear path to the net which Smith took.

On the Bastian goal he fails to cut off the outlet pass off the glass at the blueline that could have prevented the Devils rush. Won't "blame" him for that goal but it was one misplay in a series of misplays that led to that goal.

And on the 2nd Hischier goal he was playing oblivious defense again, pure puck watching. If he had his head on a swivel he might have seen Hischier sneaking up behind him. The coverage on that play by the entire team was hilariously bad.

I agree that some players you have to just ignore the fact that they suck w/o the puck b/c they are they score so many goals. But we're talking about a guy who's never broken 30 before in his life. If he wants the OV treatment he'd better start scoring a whole lot more.

- Tomahawk

Tippett correctly read that York was going to get to that puck so he got himself in a shooting position. Konecny was coming down the wall also correctly reading that York was going to get it to prepare for a possible handoff play. The ref gets in the way

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Feb 19 @ 3:38 PM ET
Some people apparently need Ray Ferraro to point things out to them
- Tomahawk

I’d have to go back and watch all the goals against to see where Tippett as a winger was directly responsible but that second goal against was without question on Frost and not something Ray Ferraro would have to tell anyone. Danny Briere was notorious for bad defensive draw decisions like that as a center.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Feb 19 @ 3:38 PM ET
They need to plan for the future. A future. Walker ain't it. Money aside I'm curious to see what the term would look like.
- Pelle31Forever

Absolutely. I like how hard this team plays. This season has been fun because there have been no expectations. But they need to sell and the players/fans need to understand why.

Pretty much everyone is onboard with selling here.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.22.2008

Feb 19 @ 3:38 PM ET
The opening goal was absolutely on him. He was F3 and he got caught staring at the puck and losing awareness. Just as he did numerous times in the game.

Did you watch the replay and see the ref interfere with the puck? Are you just going to pretend that doesn’t happen? Unless you think players should move on the ice accounting for the fact that refs will get in the way
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Feb 19 @ 3:45 PM ET
Did you watch the replay and see the ref interfere with the puck? Are you just going to pretend that doesn’t happen? Unless you think players should move on the ice accounting for the fact that refs will get in the way
- Just5

I just re-watched it. He set up for the pass. He should be aware that both defensemen are now in deep, but it happens pretty quickly. Couterier also got caught behind the net.

Long story short, both defensemen can’t be caught up ice.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Feb 19 @ 3:48 PM ET
Tippett correctly read that York was going to get to that puck so he got himself in a shooting position. Konecny was coming down the wall also correctly reading that York was going to get it to prepare for a possible handoff play. The ref gets in the way

- Just5[url]

A potential offensive situation does not absolve a player of defensive responsibilities. The role of F3 is to both be available for a play and to remain high to guard against an odd man rush when a defenseman pinches. He was not the only one at fault but he was completely oblivious to Hischier sprinting past him. The official is part of the playing surface.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Feb 19 @ 3:51 PM ET
Did you watch the replay and see the ref interfere with the puck? Are you just going to pretend that doesn’t happen? Unless you think players should move on the ice accounting for the fact that refs will get in the way
- Just5

I think the first thing you need to do is learn systems play and defensive responsibility. How did Hischier know to head up ice? He read the play. Tippet was caught flat footed and lacked awareness. The official is part of the playing surface. It doesn't matter if that happened. Tippet lost his zone awareness.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Feb 19 @ 3:52 PM ET
A potential offensive situation does not absolve a player of defensive responsibilities. The role of F3 is to both be available for a play and to remain high to guard against an odd man rush when a defenseman pinches. He was not the only one at fault but he was completely oblivious to Hischier sprinting past him. The official is part of the playing surface.

Both D can’t pinch. It’s like the first thing you’re taught as a defenseman. Forwards need to cover. No one covered.

Just re-watched the 5th goal. You’d like to see him not puck watching, but he also was with the defenseman where typically the wingers are. The problem was the d-man was pinched and Hischier was covering him so they switched. He never realized it.

The fourth goal he stepped up for the pick and it bounced over his stick. But it was atrocious defense by Walker and Seeler and the shot should have been saved.

Ersson was awful is what I took from watching the replays.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.22.2008

Feb 19 @ 3:54 PM ET
A potential offensive situation does not absolve a player of defensive responsibilities. The role of F3 is to both be available for a play and to remain high to guard against an odd man rush when a defenseman pinches. He was not the only one at fault but he was completely oblivious to Hischier sprinting past him. The official is part of the playing surface.

You are wrong. Tippett correctly sets himself up for a prime one timer that 98% of the time will come his way. No different than if it were a defensemen reading the play to setup for it. There are bad bounces in this game that you can’t account for. This is one of those situations
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Feb 19 @ 3:57 PM ET
You are wrong. Tippett correctly sets himself up for a prime one timer that 98% of the time will come his way.
- Just5

Plus Sanheim (who is behind the goal line), Konecny, and York all skate to the puck. Coots is behind the net and notices Hischier but he’s too slow to affect the play. Tippett set up for the pass.

Once the ref got in the way they were screwed. Whole play was busted.

Long story short, pretty much everyone on the ice was responsible for that one.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Feb 19 @ 4:01 PM ET
Both D can’t pinch. It’s like the first thing you’re taught as a defenseman. Forwards need to cover. No one covered.

Just re-watched the 5th goal. You’d like to see him not puck watching, but he also was with the defenseman where typically the wingers are. The problem was the d-man was pinched and Hischier was covering him so they switched. He never realized it.

- Flyers1218

I agree, which is why I said he's not the only one at fault on the goal.

On the 5th goal, Tippet makes multiple mistakes in positioning and awareness. His first mistake is on the entry when he makes that curl towards the strong side. He is the back door forward responsible for the weak side there. By making that curl move, he takes himself out of position to protect the weak side and because he was so far over, he can't get to the wall where he is supposed to be as Sanheim moves the puck up in systems play to where the winger is supposed to be. That causes a loss in possesion and an easy pinch for the Devils D man. Then, he doesn't move his feet and is again out of position in the Flyers low zone collpase and leaves a wide open gap for Hischier to slide into. He's out of position twice and lacking zone awareness.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Feb 19 @ 4:07 PM ET
You are wrong. Tippett correctly sets himself up for a prime one timer that 98% of the time will come his way. No different than if it were a defensemen reading the play to setup for it. There are bad bounces in this game that you can’t account for. This is one of those situations
- Just5

LOL. You have no clue. Your statement that there are bad bounces that you can't account for, shows that you have a lack of knowledge of hockey systems and the simple basic fundamentals of offensive puck positioning. The Flyers don't have possession of the puck there. There is no passer on the play, yet you're trying to say he was setting himself up for a one timer? LOL. If the Flyers had the puck with a player in a passing position, then F3 can jump into a hole to get open for the pass. That is not the case on that play. With the puck up for grabs, F3 needs to be aware of the odd man rush potential. Especially with defenseman in deep. That is the read on the play. Notice that two players with high hockey IQ in Couturier and Hischier both read the play and were heading the other way. While Tippet was standing still and doing nothing.
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Feb 19 @ 4:15 PM ET
Tippett correctly read that York was going to get to that puck so he got himself in a shooting position. Konecny was coming down the wall also correctly reading that York was going to get it to prepare for a possible handoff play. The ref gets in the way

- Just5[url]

The puck hitting the ref is exactly why as a forward you can't just make assumptions and fail to cover your defensive responsibilities.

Not to mention even after the puck hits the ref Tipp is still standing around like an idiot w/ his stick cocked.

He and TK committed a couple of cardinal sins there. As Torts said... "coverage issues".
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Feb 19 @ 4:21 PM ET
The puck hitting the ref is exactly why as a forward you can't just make assumptions and fail to cover your defensive responsibilities.

Not to mention even after the puck hits the ref Tipp is still standing around like an idiot w/ his stick cocked.

He and TK committed a couple of cardinal sins there. As Torts said... "coverage issues".

- Tomahawk

Exactly. Especially in Tortorella's system where he preaches for his players to stay on the defensive side of the puck. Bad bounces and turnovers are exactly why you have an F3 who needs be aware of and properly read and react to a play.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Feb 19 @ 4:36 PM ET
Exactly. Especially in Tortorella's system where he preaches for his players to stay on the defensive side of the puck. Bad bounces and turnovers are exactly why you have an F3 who needs be aware of and properly read and react to a play.

Well in this case, I suppose torts does know a thing or two about coaching and where a player might need to improve.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Feb 19 @ 4:47 PM ET
- Pelle31Forever
My question would be how many years does he want? He wants more than 2 years he can move on.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: West Chester, PA
Joined: 08.11.2020

Feb 19 @ 4:53 PM ET
I just got in and I saw the Minny/Vancouver score and I thought football season had started again. 10-7 Minny was the final score! WTF! Apparently it wasn't a good day to be a goaltender in that game.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Feb 19 @ 4:58 PM ET
A potential offensive situation does not absolve a player of defensive responsibilities. The role of F3 is to both be available for a play and to remain high to guard against an odd man rush when a defenseman pinches. He was not the only one at fault but he was completely oblivious to Hischier sprinting past him. The official is part of the playing surface.

can you come watch my kids game and give us an assessment?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Feb 19 @ 5:00 PM ET
Saw Flyers have been scouting Manitoba. Jets had scouts stay behind to watch Philly the other night. Jet's looking for defense.

Just to change topics a little
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Feb 19 @ 5:15 PM ET
I just got in and I saw the Minny/Vancouver score and I thought football season had started again. 10-7 Minny was the final score! WTF! Apparently it wasn't a good day to be a goaltender in that game.
- Phillywhiteout

Yeah, the Wild won by a field goal. 3 hattys in the game. Erickson-Ek and Kaprizov both 3g 3a. Wild got 7 goals in the 3rd. That game was insane.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.20.2014

Feb 19 @ 5:37 PM ET
My question would be how many years does he want? He wants more than 2 years he can move on.
- Phillywhiteout

I'm curious to that myself. I agree with you. I'd rather him dealt, but if they do decide to resign there's no way its longer-term than what Poehling got.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Feb 19 @ 5:52 PM ET
Nice excerpt of an interview with Jake Voracek on Nasty Knuckles talking about his relationship with AV and his thoughts on Jones and Briere. It's an interesting perspective.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Feb 19 @ 5:58 PM ET
My eyes tell me that Frost is a better all around player than Tippet is and if Tippet wants to be a really good player, he needs to learn to play better away from the puck. I stopped reading your post at that point. All I needed to see.

What a load of BS. This is your standard reply when you are beaten .. when you have no reply because I just exposed you.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Feb 19 @ 6:03 PM ET
Tippet has less responsibility and ZERO fear of being scratched

Well now that tippet just got a big contract you are right. But at this point, I don't believe Frost is playing with any fear or at least he should not be. Playing with fear is what gets one benched in the first place.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Feb 19 @ 6:04 PM ET
Actually you were correct. The leafs started overtime with Matthews, Marner and Mcabe. I was 30 feet away …lol. I said to my buddies that’s why Torts had Laughton out there….I swear some guys don’t actually watch these games.

It was Iaughton with, Tippet and Sanheim for the Flyers….

- landros 2

Thank you. I know Matthews started the OT because he took the opening draw. MJL just keeps embarrassing himself on here day after day. He was probably reading the shift report where some teenager messed up the jersey numbers
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