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Picks Added.Spoiler Night, new projected standings, Wed's Buzz Kevin Allen

March 22, 2017, 11:29 AM ET [57 Comments]
Tonight's picks.

Anaheim over Edmonton
Columbus over Toronto
NYI over NYR

So last night 3 of the 5 teams who are at the bottom of the NHL beat two of the best teams in the NHL and one team who is fighting for its playoff life. Detroit beat Montreal, the Devils beat the Rangers, and the Coyotes beat the Lightning..this was a devastating loss to a Lightning team who a week ago looked pretty solid..

Not to mention the Avalanche gave St. Louis all it could handle as well and Vancouver took the Hawks in Overtime.

And with that you have the crazy unpredictability of the NHL in late March. What should happen sometimes goes out the window and lesser teams who are out of the playoffs and playing loose can give fits to teams who long before the game began had marked this game down as a win.

I have always believed that in general, in the NHL, the team who needs to win a specific game more will find a way to win...the exception to that is when a team faces a team with nothing to lose.

You simply can't take a night off and expect to make the playoffs...

Here are your current Projected Final Standings after last night's games...

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