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Wings overtime point small consolation as Pens win in OT

April 12, 2024, 2:03 AM ET [30 Comments]
Jeremy Laura
Detroit Red Wings Blogger • RSSArchiveCONTACT
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* - odd factoid, in all 3 games vs Pitt the winning team had 6 goals this season.


The Caps lost, the Flyers won, Wings lost in OT to the Pens. Welcome to the new traffic jam. All bets are off for the final 3.

The good news, Detroit kept coming back. Raymond hit 29 and Detroit may well have multiple 30 goal scorers at the end of it all. The bad side of that, Raymond may have just upped his offseason raise.

That shorthanded goal. Those are the daggers. I know TV doesn’t accurately portray the speed of the game but Seider was gassed and couldn’t keep up with the veteran. Lyon didn’t have his best outing by a long shot but the help wasn’t there for too many goals.

At this point, your guess is as good as anyone’s. I’m just going to wait this out and then start seeing my therapist again after the season. May as well get the most bang for the buck.

So, honest question, has Raymond’s stock risen for any of you personally? He’s had some good games and I did not have him pegged to outscore Debrincat (still a few games left, of course). This is painful, but in a weird way it keeps things open. Not a big fan of this kind of drama. Let’s finish the season before we look at the roster changes but like many of you I’ve got my own list.

Be safe, the rain is crazy in Oakland County. Hopefully Montreal doesn’t score 9 when we see them….

Detroit First Period goals:

Already down 1-0 Raymond tied things up at 3:39. Debrincat put a shot on net and Raymond collected the rebound for his 27th.

Wings fall behind again, and it’s Raymond to the rescue again for his 28th of the season. With just 14 seconds left in the period after a turnover in the neutral zone Larkin skated down the right half wall, passed to Raymond in the middle and Raymond got it to Debrincat. A quick pass back to Raymond and the 22 year old went across the net mouth and netted a backhander.

Shots: 10-9 DET
Score: 2-2

Detroit Red Wings Second Period goals:

Detroit turned a tie into a two goal deficit. Then, with 36 seconds left Jeff Petry scored just his 3rd goal of the year. Sprong was skating the puck near the lower dots, passed over to Seider near the half wall. Seider found Petry entering the zone, and the veteran Dman skated in and ripped a shot from near the faceoff dots and found the twine. 4-3 PITT

Shots: 20-18 DET
Score: 4-3 Pitt

Third Period Detroit goals

The Wings end up in another 2 goal pit after giving up a short handed tally that looked like it was in slow motion. Larkin got the team back within one at 12:56. Compher took a pass and got the puck into the O zone. Raymond went behind the net and found Larkin open in the slot. The Captain scored his 32nd of the season, 5-4 Pitt

Less than 2 minutes later Raymond got a hat trick and his 29th of the season. Larkin chased down the puck after a clearing pass from Debrincat and skated down the left wall. Raymond was right in the middle. The captain connected and the score was tied as Raymond snapped the puck home.

Shots: 29-25 DET
Score: 5-5


Shots: 30-27 DET
Score: 6-5 Pitt
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