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Forums :: Blog World :: Eklund: Jake Allen for Robin Lehner (e3) Hoffman, Rasmus, Neal, Karlsson, Tavares..
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Montreal Canadiens
Location: Oshawa, ON
Joined: 09.17.2005

Jun 13 @ 2:11 PM ET

- Zo0by

Good point!!
Montreal Canadiens
Location: I am Eklund, QC
Joined: 01.03.2007

Jun 13 @ 2:12 PM ET
to start the discussion....picks/prospects to balance out later

Pacioretty, Alzner
Ristolainen, O'Rielly

- Memories-of-93

guys way to much attention given to either a troll...or a very dumb fan...
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 11.04.2010

Jun 13 @ 2:13 PM ET
to start the discussion....picks/prospects to balance out later

Pacioretty, Alzner
Ristolainen, O'Rielly

- Memories-of-93

Calgary Flames
Joined: 05.10.2010

Jun 13 @ 2:18 PM ET
“On Tavares....

Each day now I have another source telling me it is more likely that Tavares stays on the Island...”

Wishful thinking by NYI management.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 11.04.2010

Jun 13 @ 2:27 PM ET
Lehner is 4 Million for 1 year Allen at 4.35 for 4 years

Blues would take that easily

if he bounces back great if he doesn't move on and we have Husso

- sycsam

FOr some reason i thought Allen was an RFA.

Either way I still do it.

Lehner I doubt takes a 1 year deal, he did that this year and it backfired. Nor do I expect him to not get a salary increase.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Corner of Kirk Maclean's Toe and Robert Reichel's face.
Joined: 01.09.2006

Jun 13 @ 2:33 PM ET
*Ahem*....Pssst...Ek....... there was an actual trade today by LA and TB. Shhhh.... I guess you are keeping that a secret.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 02.05.2014

Jun 13 @ 2:34 PM ET
FOr some reason i thought Allen was an RFA.

Either way I still do it.

Lehner I doubt takes a 1 year deal, he did that this year and it backfired. Nor do I expect him to not get a salary increase.

- ImThatGuy

Which is why he's only gonna get a 1 year deal at 4+ or a multiple year deal at a lower value in hopes of rebounding and getting a more lucrative deal
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Corner of Kirk Maclean's Toe and Robert Reichel's face.
Joined: 01.09.2006

Jun 13 @ 2:37 PM ET
Is Pizza Hut's 5 buck,5 buck,5 buck deal good or are they overpriced to begin with?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 13 @ 2:41 PM ET
Lehner is 4 Million for 1 year Allen at 4.35 for 4 years

Blues would take that easily

if he bounces back great if he doesn't move on and we have Husso

- sycsam

Ok looks like Blues are pushing Allen out of town for pennies on the dollar...ok.

Take Neuvirth and a 2nd. Thank you.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 07.04.2012

Jun 13 @ 3:01 PM ET
FINALLY something we can all agree on.
St Louis Blues
Location: St. Louis, MO
Joined: 05.24.2014

Jun 13 @ 3:07 PM ET
Didn't Allen have just one bad year, while Lehner has never really put together a good year. Why would the Blues make this trade?? Starting goalies being fairly hard to find. It's like trading Andersen for James Reimer.
- mgriffen

Exactly. Selling low on Allen is short-sighted. Lehner has been overrated since GMTM vastly overpaid for him.

Some Blues posters salivate over Allen's inconsistency, failing to recognize a ton of starting NHL netminders were in the same boat last season. Including the one that won the Stanley Cup. Yet they fail to mention the team's awful power play, which was a bigger factor in not making the playoffs.

Husso hasn't dominated in the AHL for a whole season himself, he's best served getting the lion's share of minutes in San Antonio and then backing up a season with the Blues before you start handing him the #1 job and thinking you are a playoff team. His future is bright, but thinking he's your guy after next season is pushing it.
Joined: 02.18.2009

Jun 13 @ 3:20 PM ET

- Zo0by

If the Sabres trade Risto, their #1 RHD would then be Bogosian. Think about that.....Bogosian. That's bad enough, but then what would they do for the other 70 games, when Bogo is hurt?

Risto isn't being traded.

O'Reilly also isn't being traded as JBotts doesn't want to put the #2 Center responsibility on Mitts as of yet.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Where ever Matt Ellis allows me to be, NY
Joined: 07.30.2012

Jun 13 @ 3:22 PM ET
If the Sabres trade Risto, their #1 RHD would then be Bogosian. Think about that.....Bogosian. That's bad enough, but then what would they do for the other 70 games, when Bogo is hurt?

Risto isn't being traded.

O'Reilly also isn't being traded as JBotts doesn't want to put the #2 Center responsibility on Mitts as of yet.

- turbo044

That's a pretty bold thing to say when it's been well known he is on the block
Boston Bruins
Location: Yeah well that's like your opinion man, MA
Joined: 04.27.2011

Jun 13 @ 3:25 PM ET
FINALLY something we can all agree on.

- classic321

Hopefully Alfie will delete his account
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 11.03.2008

Jun 13 @ 3:34 PM ET
Hopefully Alfie will delete his account
- glove_was_stuck

Colorado Avalanche
Joined: 01.20.2017

Jun 13 @ 3:43 PM ET

- eichiefs9

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.30.2011

Jun 13 @ 4:16 PM ET
Ek, refresh me on the (e) scales please...what is an (e3)???
Detroit Red Wings
Location: Bill Cosby’s Magic Wiener #FireBlashill, TN
Joined: 04.16.2016

Jun 13 @ 4:16 PM ET

- eichiefs9

St Louis Blues
Joined: 10.17.2008

Jun 13 @ 4:44 PM ET
Exactly. Selling low on Allen is short-sighted.
- Firebrand

Allen is 28, and has either missed or sucked in the playoffs in 13 of the 14 years he played hockey. This isn't selling low, his value is about it where it normally is play wise. Only before, he had some value based on "potential" and now he is old enough most people realize he isn't going to suddenly develop the mental fortitude he's lacked since he came into juniors.
Florida Panthers
Location: Fuck Putin, fire Holland, AB
Joined: 07.29.2013

Jun 13 @ 5:29 PM ET
guy is +51 in the last 3 seasons with the Caps without putting a lot of point on the boards... -7 last year and he was not playing in his chair at all... find me a d-men who is +44 in last 4 years....i'm sure they are all big names with a lot of points on the board...
- Zo0by

Adam Larsson is +48 past 4 seasons. 74 points in that time.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: ON
Joined: 06.16.2010

Jun 13 @ 5:46 PM ET
Adam Larsson is +48 past 4 seasons. 74 points in that time.
- wreckage

And all it would cost to get him would be a Taylor Hall calibre player.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: ON
Joined: 12.12.2006

Jun 13 @ 6:16 PM ET
FINALLY something we can all agree on.

- classic321

Buffalo Sabres
Location: K, BC
Joined: 01.03.2014

Jun 13 @ 11:38 PM ET
Why would James Neal voluntarily go to Buffalo?

Isn’t that what people said when we were said to be the favourites for Okposo?

Haters always going to hate.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: K, BC
Joined: 01.03.2014

Jun 13 @ 11:42 PM ET
to start the discussion....picks/prospects to balance out later

Pacioretty, Alzner
Ristolainen, O'Rielly

- Memories-of-93

Lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

Who the hell do you think Pacioretty is? Alzner is basically an unmentionable.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Auston, Tavares
Joined: 07.14.2011

Jun 14 @ 8:24 AM ET
Ek, refresh me on the (e) scales please...what is an (e3)???
- BlackhawkMike

I got you buddy.

E1= I actually have no idea what im talking about, but Im waiting for my train and thought id post something.

E2= I thought of what I think a pretty good idea whilst sitting on the can.

E3= On the phone with a buddy, he put out this crazy thought that we debated on so I might as well post it for some hits.

E4= Im about 6 beers deep and need to hit my quota.

E5= Definitely 100% not happening, ever.
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