And now for something completely different
As we head into the very last hockey season at the Nassau Coliseum, I’d like to ask you a favor. There are many, many employees of the Isles and the Coliseum who will have a hard time this year as they will not be joining the Isles in Brooklyn. Know that they are indeed doing their jobs as best they can, but the pain of pending separation is a gnawing monster. For many it’s not just the money, but the same love you and I have for this team.
It’s not their fault the Islanders have had to make the decision to move, so don’t try to make it sound as if it is. It certainly isn’t the employees’ fault. They know many of us won’t be able to make the trip and many of their most loyal fans – and friends – will only be occasional visitors. They are upset too. Don’t make this season more difficult for them.
Be kind and understanding as these people do the best job they can to make this last season at the barn memorable, entertaining and fun. Certainly, it will be emotional from the first sausage on the grill at the IslanderMania tailgate party on Saturday to the last farewell from a security guard on the last night the Islanders play. Let’s thank them for their friendship and assistance through the years and make the most of what should be an incredibly exciting season of ‘lasts’ for the Islanders.
Be kind to fellow fans and even visiting fans. Don’t be goaded into arguments and always take the high road. Enjoy every moment and savor it for a lifetime.
That’s what the Isles employees plan to do.
Did you catch Howie Rose on the radio today? While he’ll be making the transition to Brooklyn, he’ll tell you what the feeling is:
Howie Rose on the move to Barclays and who is to blame: